11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
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10 万人を超えるフォーラムメンバーが支持
すべてのアセットを Unity が審査済み
This creature package comes with 5 creatures * 4 directions * 2 styles = 40 poses and more than 180 animations for each style!
It can be used with the RPG Maker series or other game engines. This pack contains the creature 4 battler. For more or all battler please check also my other packages out!
I've prepared 4 rendered .png versions (0.5x, 0.75x, 1x and 2x) of the single parts, but there's also a svg version of each file. This means you can scale it up without loss of quality (vector graphics).
All animations are available in 1x and 2x the size.
Dimensions (creature 1 Lv. 5) the other creatures are similar: 0.50x = ca. 131px * 118px 0.75x = ca. 197px * 177px 1.00x = ca. 263px * 237px 2.00x = ca. 526px * 474px .svg = any size * any size
* There's also a .svg version for the semi-realistic style, but because it's textured it's texture will be stretched a little, if you scale it up. In the most cases looks it despite that beautiful. =)
It can be used with the RPG Maker series or other game engines. This pack contains the creature 4 battler. For more or all battler please check also my other packages out!
I've prepared 4 rendered .png versions (0.5x, 0.75x, 1x and 2x) of the single parts, but there's also a svg version of each file. This means you can scale it up without loss of quality (vector graphics).
All animations are available in 1x and 2x the size.
Dimensions (creature 1 Lv. 5) the other creatures are similar: 0.50x = ca. 131px * 118px 0.75x = ca. 197px * 177px 1.00x = ca. 263px * 237px 2.00x = ca. 526px * 474px .svg = any size * any size
* There's also a .svg version for the semi-realistic style, but because it's textured it's texture will be stretched a little, if you scale it up. In the most cases looks it despite that beautiful. =)
Creature Pack 4 Comic + Semi-Realistic style
14 users have favourite this asset
ライセンス: Single Entity

Cryptogene の他のアセット
11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人以上のフォーラムメンバーが支持
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