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This pack contains:
- 1200+ sprites
- 4 Animated Characters (321 Sprites) (Druid, Viking, Blood Mage, Magic Rogue)
- 2 Animated Environments (6 Sprites) (Tavern, Forest)
- 5 Animated NPC (76 Sprites)(Barman, Librarian, Monk, SheildMan, Cook)
- 5 Animated Enemies(118 Sprites) (4 Normal, 1 Boss)
- UI (60 Sprites)(Map, Character creation, Icons, Buttons)
- 108 Animated VFX Effects for spells and others (636 sprites)(Slash, Electric, Fire, Earth, Firework, Holy, Ice, Technology, Void, Water, Wind)
- Extra: Loading Screen for your game! (9 Paintings)

With this pack you can create a prototype for a game.

This contains all the content from all the following packages:
- Pixel Art RPG VFX
- Pixel Art Top-Down RPG Environments
- Pixel Art Top-Down RPG Characters
- Pixel Art Top-Down RPG Enemies
- Pixel Art Top-Down RPG UI
- Pixel Art Top-Down RPG NPC

Pixel Art RPG VFX

This asset contains 636 VFX hand drawned sprites you can use to create your 2D pixel art RPG game!
These are animated into 108 different animations.

- 8 Water Vfx (Shield, Splash, Explosion, Slash, Colomn, Wave, Cascade, Ball)
- 8 Fire Vfx (Shield, Flamme, Pit, Slash, Tornado, 2 Explosions, Ball)
- 8 Wind Vfx (Shield, Gust, Explosion, Slash, Ground, Spread, Turbine, Ball)
- 8 Earth Vfx (Shield, Healing, Spin, Rock, LavaBubble, Grow, Lava, Ball)
- 8 Void Vfx (Shield, Portal, Black Hole, Slash, Spin, 2 Explosions, Ball)
- 8 Holy Vfx (Shield, Cross, Projectile, 2 Slashes, Blessing, Wing, Ball)
- 8 Electric Vfx (Shield, 2 Lightings, Slash, Tornado, Spin, Explosion, Ball)
- 8 Ice Vfx (Shield, Spike, Slam, Slash, Rock, Projectile, Claw, Ball)
- 8 Technology Vfx
- 8 Fireworks Vfx
- 8 Explosions Vfx
- 8 Attack Slash Vfx
- 12 Screen sized Animation (For each element)
- All the sprites have a transparent background

Pixel Art Top-Down RPG Environments

These are ready to use asset with very easy drag and drop for your game.
I have made it into a prefab with his animation so you can place your character on top and have your RPG more alive than ever!

Pixel Art Top-Down RPG Characters

These are ready to use assets with very easy drag and drop for your game.
I have turned these into prefabs that includes the animations so you can directly place these characters in your environment!

This pack contains:
- A Viking (Animations: Idle, Attack 1, 2, 3, Dead, Get hit, Walk Right, Walk Left, Walk Down, Walk Up)
- A Druid (Animations: Idle, Attack 1, 2, 3, Dead, Get hit, Walk Right, Walk Left, Walk Down, Walk Up)
- A Blood Mage (Animations: Idle, Attack 1, 2, 3, Dead, Get hit, Walk Right, Walk Left, Walk Down, Walk Up)
- A Magic Rogue (Animations: Idle, Attack 1, 2, 3, Dead, Get hit, Walk Right, Walk Left, Walk Down, Walk Up)
- Select to show which one you are focusing or help on the targeting of your game
- Spell effects (Blood explosion, Health recovery, Spikes, Spikes 2, Poison, Roots)

Pixel Art Top-Down RPG Enemies

These are ready to use asset with very easy drag and drop for your game.
I have made it into a prefab with his animation so you can place these enemies in your environment!

- Beaver enemy (Idle, Attack, Dead, Get hit, Walk)
- Ghost enemy (Idle, Attack, Dead, Get hit, Walk)
- Mage enemy (Idle, Attack, Dead, Get hit, Walk)
- Necromancer enemy (Idle, Attack, Dead, Get hit, Walk)
- Salamander enemy (Idle, Attack, Dead, Get hit, Walk)
- All the sprites have transparent background

Pixel Art Top-Down RPG UI

This asset contains 60+ UI for you to use in your 2D pixel art Top-Down RPG game!

- A total of 61 UI sprites already cut and placed in demo scenes

- 12 Spell icons + an outline animation to simulate you have selected the spell
- 4 Different Buttons to use
- A Custom Map with a few point of interests
- A full set to create a character selection screen

- Character Selection Screen Demo
- Map Location Selection Demo
- Story Demo
- Animated Button Zoo
- Animated Icon Zoo

All of these are prepared into prefab ready to use (drag and drop) in your game.

Pixel Art Top-Down RPG NPC

This asset contains 5 NPC you can use to create your 2D pixel art Top-Down RPG game!
- Barman (Idle, Get new glass & Clean it, Surprised)
- Librarian (Idle, Put books away, Surprised)
- Sitting Monk (Idle, drinking, Surprised)
- Sheild Man (Idle, Cross Arms, Surprised)
- Tentacle Butcher (Idle, Tentacle, Surprised)
- All the sprites have transparent background

The idea with the "surprised animation" is if for you to use if you interact with the character or come talk to the character.

- All the sprites of this Mega Pack have transparent background
- All the Character sprites of this Mega Pack have 64x64 pixel per pixel
- All the Background sprites of this Mega Pack have 640x380 pixel per pixel
- All the icon sprites of this Mega Pack have 128x128 pixel per pixel
- All the UI sprites of this Mega Pack are between 64x64 1280x764 pixel per pixel depending on buttons, icons, Map
- All the Loading Screen of this Mega Pack are around 1920x1080 pixel per pixel
- All sprites have different color depth depending on their role in the pack. They use the 24 Bit color range.

Feedback is welcome!
Want something added? Reach me and I will consider adding what is missing.
The packs included are updated once in a while. I will also update this pack if one of the pack recieves an update.

Pixel Art RPG Mega Pack

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