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Ever wanted to create a crafting mining pixel art game?
This pack is great for anyone that wants to prototype or start their pixel art mining & crafting 2D Top-Down game!

This pack contains:
- 256 Sprites for you to make a game!
- Demo scene to showcase the whole pack (Smelted items and a crafting station with Characters in situ, interchangeable environment)

- 2 Characters (Male/Female) with interchangeable heads, torsos, legs & arms (5 of each)
- The characters have an Idle Animation (No other animations are provided)
- Demo to customize & try the different interchangeable parts on the characters.

- Weapons (Bow, Knife, Staff, Sword) (3 variants for each, color & form)
- Tools (Axe, Pickaxe, Hammer, Knife, Shovel) (3 variants for each, color & form)
- Demo scene to show all of them at once

- Environments (Grass, Desert & Cave + for each a ladder to transit from one and another)
- Crafting Structures (Furnace On/Off, Crafting Table, Alchemy Table, ...)
- Demo scene to show all of them at once

- 5 Mineral Types (Tin, Copper, Silver, Gold, Cobalt) (Small, Medium, Large, Ingot & Ore)

- Rock Types (Round, Squared) (Small, Medium, Large, Ingot & Ore)
- Crystal Type (Small, Medium, Large, Ingot & Ore)

- Resources to gather or craft (potions, meat, bone, leather, book, scroll, food, ...)
- Wood Resources (planks, bench, tree trunks, sticks, boards, boxes, ...)
- Demo scene to show all of them at once

- Basic UI to help you prototype your ideas
- Demo scene for the UI is in the showcase

If you have some questions about this asset, you can contact me by email: afgameassets@gmail.com

2.0 - Free Update:
Pack now has 256 sprites!
Adding resources such as food elements, a new biome, trees and other decorations, new crafting tables, lot of wood resources and rocks.

Pixel Art Top Down Crafting Mining

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파일 크기
374.8 KB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2024년 9월 10일
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