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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

A set of materials and meshes to decorate art galleries, homes and businesses.

These are built with a wide variety of platforms in mind. They can be used with or without the height map, AO, etc. and work well at just about every resolution. Everything is built with the standard pipeline but can be converted to the HDRP with one click.

All materials have a color, metal/rough, height, ambient occlusion and normal map. There are many ways to customize each as well.

The textures can be adjusted to be between 32 and 4096 max resolutions.

Included in this pack are the following:
- 21 4k PBR texture sets
- 21 Materials plus a few demo mats
- 23 Frame and room meshes used in the gallery

A detailed list of the included materials and meshes:
- 18 Painting materials
- 1 Concrete material
- 1 Brushed Steel material
- 1 Empty canvas material

- 7 Frames and canvases
- 5 Wall pieces
- 6 Floor pieces
- 1 Ceiling piece
- 1 Door
- 1 Bench
- 2 Lights

All textures are 4096x4096 and the frame meshes average 600 verts each while the building meshes average 400 each.

Abstract Grunge Art

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파일 크기
1.5 GB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 8월 18일
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