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This package contains ALL skyboxes (30% off for all 3 packages)
Go to: Day Package - Night Package - Sunset Package

Get this HDR package including 10 beautiful cubemap skybox-images for Unity in city and town environments and never long for high quality HDR skies in urban style again.

The skyboxes are focused on houses and buildings: cities, towns, single houses from old to new are embedded in beautiful nature and sky backgrounds.

IMPORTANT: The .hdr files are of very high quality and of big filesize when importing. Therefore, the import process can take up to several minutes. Please don't end Unity when the progress bar stays at 83%. This is normal and just needs some more time, so please be patient! You will be able to compress the texture to the preferred file size and quality for your project, once it has been imported.

Only the use of these HDR images allows you to take full advantage of the Physically Based Shaders, Real-Time Global Illumination and HDR Reflection Probes. Normal .jpg, .png, and .tif Skyboxes will not give you the same results. You need to use a HDR image like these.

The images are very high quality equirectangular .hdr files specifically calibrated for Unity and attached to cubemap skybox materials - ready to use in your Unity project!

The Package includes following HDR skyboxes:

Desert Wind City
Forgotten Lagoon Town
Palace of Eternity
Military Base
Equilibrium City
Forest Town
Mountain Village
Water Metropolis
Urban Area

For questions and suggestions, please contact 70:30

HDR Metropolis Skies (Complete Package)

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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파일 크기
1.0 GB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2019년 9월 16일
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