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> Improved quality for better movement blending. > Some foot IK fixes completed
A game using my animation pack has been released and introduced.
The game title is : The Devil Within: Satgat
This package provides character animation for RPG production.
Great Sword, Katana Animation consists of about 998 kinds of key animations.
The all animation contains.(Katana + GreatSword)
Intro : 2
Movement Inplace : 166
Movement RootMotion : 145
Turn in place RootMotion : 124
Turn in place Inplace : 124
Crouch RootMotion : 46
Crouch Inplace : 46
Skills : 26
Attack : 44
Attack Inplace : 34
Jump Attack : 10
Jump Block(Guard)_Root+Inplace : 2
Count Attack(Revenge_Guard) : 12
Damage : 45
KnockDown : 36
Dodge : 10
ZeroHeight : 40
Injured : 7
Injured RootMotion : 7
Attach Motion(In the Air_Combo) : 6
Total : 998
- All Humanoid FBX files
[Grruzam_Animation _Test_File]
[To check the Anmation state]
Product information
The character league is set to humanoid configuration. Includes 5 finger bones, shoulder arms and leg twist bones.
The model of the demo video for promotion is not included as a real Grruzam RPG powerful Package asset,
but includes dummy modeling with the same size, frame structure, and naming.
Motion states was aligned to the animation controller.
Powerful Sword Pack(Great Sword + Katana)