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It is an RPG action animation and we plan to continue adding to it.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Originally this package uses the URP in renderer, you can convert the materials to render pipline you want!.


Also applicable to Unity 6.

This animation pack will help you create medieval fantasy, soul-likes, and RPGs.

Attack motions can be linked into combos, and some motions are suitable as skill attacks or strong attacks.

It was created based on the starter assets model, but can be applied to both Synty characters and humanoid characters.

In the case of two-handed animation, the hand length may be different depending on some models, so the positions of the two hands may be different.

In this case, it is convenient to use the IK provided by Unity or the IK-related assets in the Asset Store.

Unless something special happens, other motions will be added and updated.

Since I created this animation myself, you don't have to worry about copyright issues.

For inquiries about the product, please contact the email below.


Before purchasing an asset, please check the free version to see if it fits your character well.


Ladder climbing tutorial video

Click to watch video

Combo attack tutorial video

Click to watch video

How to use animation (Document) *Must Read*

Click on the Document

I also run a YouTube channel. I hope this helps you.

Go to YouTube Channel

The -Demo Scenes- folder is an example scene, so you can remove it.

You must receive the T-Pose file in the Model folder because it is the basic component of animation.

As animations continue to be added, the price may increase.

Base is an animation suitable for characters equipped with a basic weapon such as a longsword or dagger.

Up is a suitable animation for characters equipped with heavy or large weapons, such as greatswords.

_B = Back, _F = Front, _L = Left, _R = Right, _InPlace = In Place


Total Animation(2,043)

  • Actions

Actions (13), Chest (6), Combat Idle (6), Crafting (35), Door Gate (6), Hammer (10), Item (10), Labber (4),

Ladder (25), Obj Action (3), Start Point Behavior (3)

  • Block (14)

  • Bow

Bow (1), Attack (48), Fight Ready End (6), Jump (7),

Movement (4)

Attack Walk (48), Idle (22), Run (44), Walk (44), Walk Slow (16),

Rest (9), Roll (24), Weapon Change (10)

  • Dead Pose (16)

  • Enemy Attack (38)

  • Hit (29)

  • Magic (27)

  • NPC

Chair Sit (26), Counter (9), Cower (4), Dialogue (54), Door Knock (3), Drinking (11), Foor (23), Lean Table (5), Resurrect (2), Standing (8), Think(4), Waving Hello (1),Wipe Forehead (1)

  • OneHand_Base

OneHand_Base (2), Attack_A (44), Attack_B (10), Attack_C (28),Fatal (30), Fight Ready End (8), Jump (7),

Movement (4),

Idle(11), Run(44), Shield Walk Slow(16), Walk(44), Walk Slow(16),

Rest (9), Roll (24), Shield (20), Weapon Change (13)

  • One Hand Up

One Hand Up(6), Attack_A (20), Attack_B (16), Fatal (30), Fight Ready End (4), Jump (7),

Movement (4),

Idle(11), Run(44), Shield Walk Slow(16), Walk(44), Walk Slow(16),

Rest (9), Roll (24), Shield (20), Weapon Change (11)

  • Roll (8)

  • Torch & Lantern

Lantern (3)

Torch Left Hand

Action (11), Jump (7),

Movement - Run (44), Walk (44), Walk Slow (16)

Torch Right Hand

Action (11), Attack(4), Jump (7),

Movement - Run (44), Walk (44), Walk Slow (16)

  • Two Hand Base

Two Hand Base (2), Attack_A (12), Attack_B (10),Block (7), Fatal (30), Fight Ready End (4), Jump(7),


Block B Walk Slow(16), Idle (12), Run(44), Walk(44), Walk Slow(16),

Rest (9), Roll (24), Weapon Change (13)

  • Two Hand Up

Two Hand Up (2), Attack_A (10), Attack_B (10), Block (7), Fatal (30), Fight Ready End (4), Jump(7),


Block B Walk Slow(16), Idle (12), Run(44), Walk(44), Walk Slow(16),

Rest (9), Roll (24), Weapon Change (13)

The fire used in the demo video is not included in the assets.

Technical details

Humanoid Animations

The FBX_Animations folder contains fbx files.

This animation was created with Root Motion.

In-place motion is also included.


107 users have favourite this asset
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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
License type
File size
351.2 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Feb 26, 2025
Original Unity version
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