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Bird Flock Vulture 3.0 is a kettle of vultures that breaths life into a scene. It's easy to use by simply dragging the flock object into the scene, then adjust the settings to your needs. Version 3.0 provides a variety of optimizations and new features.
- Easy to use
- Area roaming bird flock
- Many customization options
- Simple UV map, easy to change texture
- Landing spot system
- Obstacle avoidance
- Includes feather particles
- 280 tris model
- 2048x2048px texture resolution
3.0 Features
- Baked models for great performance
- Custom baked animation system
- Remastered textures
- Optimized script performance
- Removed update garbage collection
- Generic rig support
- Improved editor
Uses Standard shaders, ready to be converted to URP/HDRP.
Compatible with Unity 2020.3 up to new versions of Unity(2023+)
Support available for assistance if any problems should occur.
Bird Flock Vulture 2023
6 users have favourite this asset
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