11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人を超えるフォーラムメンバーが支持
すべてのアセットを Unity が審査済み
Gameleon Studios proudly presents a pack of a cartoon woman model completely rigged with 3 different hairs, 2 sets of clothes and 5 color variation and 4 face shapes! WITH BLENDSHAPES SUPPORT! ♥
This package includes:
→ 13 textures (Albedo, AO, Metallic Smoothness and Normal Map), size 1024x1024
→ 4 models with 18 models inside, with 57,468 in total
→ 7 prefabs
→ 1 scene with all the prefabs
→ 18 materials, for the character, and another for a skybox effect on scene
→ 4 animations (2 idles, 1 run and 1 walk)
This model contains:
→ 1 body and face features (eyes, pupils, iris, eyebrowns, eye glow)
→ 4 different shapes of face
→ 1 shirt
→ 1 shirt+jacket
→ 1 shorts
→ 1 pants
→ 2 pairs of shoes
→ 3 different hairs
→ 5 color variation for each cloth
→ Works in Unity 2018.4 and above
→ Support Universal Render Pipeline (URP)
Cartoon Man