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This package contains content creation pack for the o3n UMA Race Stunner (Available for FREE)

You don't need to buy this if you already have o3n UMA Races Stunner Jane & John URP. This is already included in that package.

Please note that there are fbx files in the free stunner package for the male and female race that can be used to skin the created content for o3n Stunner. This package provides the blender file to streamline the process with ready to use templates for automated skin weight transfer. (Additionally, Marvelous Designer Avatar Files are provided)

Workflow is roughly (although there is no single way to use these):
- Unzip the o3n_stunner_content_pack.zip file to any folder you like
- Open blend file.
- Import / create your new mesh (for example a new hair)
- (Do any modelling required for that new mesh)
- Transfer weights (Data Transfer modifier. Select Vertex Data / Vertex Groups with Nearest Face Interpolated) from either hair / dress templates or from body directly, depending on the item.
- Set new meshe's parent as the armature (selecting with empty groups).
- Apply Data transfer modifier.
- Export the fbx and create slots out of it like you would do for any UMA item.

The templates are created with weights appropriate to be used by Race's DNA. Most of the time you will not even have to touch the weights after automatic transfer. In some cases, small tweaks may be required.

Please check the tutorial video to see how to utilize this package here.

o3n UMA Race Stunner Jane & John Content Creation Pack

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