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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Ever dreamed of making an infinite 3D endless runner game? Here's your chance to do just that with the ULTIMATE infinite endless runner toolkit optimised for mobile. This starter kit contains everything you need to make the next big infinite running hit on amazon, google play or the apple app store.

Try before you buy! Check out the Web Demo.

You can have a prototype up and running within hours instead of weeks. The WRP Pro 3D Infinite Runner kit features optimized performance on mobile devices and is the ultimate starter kit for your endless game.

Highlights of the ULTIMATE 3d endless runner kit:

- OS X, Windows, iOS, Android and Web Player Support
- 7 Different Obstacles Types
- Awesome Power-ups
- C# and Javascript Support
- Swipe and Gyro Controls
- MecAnim and Legacy Animation Support
- Complete Menus UI
- Shop for IAPs Implemented
- NGUI Support
- Mission System and Global Achievement System
- 3 lane movement with adjustable path heights
- Gameplay sounds and background music
- Stumble Collision Detection
- Interactive Enemies
- Dynamic HUD Elements
- Debug HUD mode
- Highly Optimised for Mobile
- Fully Documented Code & Responsive Support
- High FPS and Great Performance on mobile & devices

...and a whole lot more!

Everything is FULLY and EASILY customisable. We offer great support and promise response to emails within 2 working days.

User Guide
Release Notes

For further queries: unitysupport@werplay.com
play & let play!

WRP Pro 3D Infinite Endless Runner Kit

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20.9 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2017년 12월 13일
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