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I'm updating and adding onto my unity asset pack's production description. Don't do the languages yet, just print the update to this. Welcome to a new environment pack by Inigmas! This is the art we created for our game Alligori, and is now available for use in your game!

This pack comes with 85 stylized low-poly Town and Forest assets to be used in your game, and features an Unlit and Toon version to be used at your discretion. All of the assets share a single 2048x2048 texture atlas, featuring a diffuse and emissive texture set.
- 6 Buildings (6~10k triangles)
- 17 Town Props (500~1000 triangles)
- 26 Nature Props (500~1500 triangles)
- 36 Terrain (250~500 triangles)

Notice. The toon version relies on the official Unity Toon Shader which is made by Unity for free.

This pack does not contain the water or waterfall shaders, nor the grass as we did not make those assets.

Stylized Low-Poly Town and Forest

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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