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Have you ever changed light environment into dark? This package is suitable for farming or barn buddy games on mobile devices or social networks. With the all additional texture fitting with Halloween season, you can add a new stage for your witch or zombie games. All objects are low-poly models, with high quality texture (1024x1024).
It includes more than 50 custom objects, special suitable for horror night. New objects are:
- Jack O Lantern and Pumpkin Candle
- Dry horror tree
- Grave and Fence to build grave yard
- Some kinds of rock, mushroom, bat and spider web
- Scare Crow
Following are old objects (similar to other farm packs)
- Circus tent
- 6 types of grass
- 7 brick houses + 3 wooden houses
- 3 market stalls
- Watermelon farm
- Pumpkin farm
- Maize farm
- 3 Normal trees
- Skulls
- Coffin (can open and lose lid)
- Pumpkin ScareCrow
- Windmill
- Village Pond
- 5 road pieces to combine long roadAll objects are low-poly models, with high quality texture (1024x1024).
It includes more than 50 custom objects, special suitable for horror night. New objects are:
- Jack O Lantern and Pumpkin Candle
- Dry horror tree
- Grave and Fence to build grave yard
- Some kinds of rock, mushroom, bat and spider web
- Scare Crow
Following are old objects (similar to other farm packs)
- Circus tent
- 6 types of grass
- 7 brick houses + 3 wooden houses
- 3 market stalls
- Watermelon farm
- Pumpkin farm
- Maize farm
- 3 Normal trees
- Skulls
- Coffin (can open and lose lid)
- Pumpkin ScareCrow
- Windmill
- Village Pond
- 5 road pieces to combine long roadAll objects are low-poly models, with high quality texture (1024x1024).
Cartoon Halloween Farm
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33.8 MB
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2022년 10월 17일
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