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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Handy dwarven-themed 3D art package for artists who value modularity and performance.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information
  • Unity 2021.3.11f1+ to Unity 6+ (SRP 12+, 14+, 15+,16+ and 17+) are supported.

Dwarven Expedition Pack includes semi-realistic assets with little to no photo source material. Most of the textures are either hand-painted or made using Substance Designer. The modular design allows for flexibility and customization, enabling game developers to create diverse and unique dungeons. In terms of optimization, the meshes are designed to be efficiently rendered, keeping polygon counts reasonable and textures optimized for performance. This ensures that the dungeon assets can be used in games without sacrificing performance.

○ Features

  • Interior-specific pack with a small outside scene.
  • PBR materials and 4k texture atlases.
  • Modular rocks and cliffs.
  • Over 290 prefabs (optimized meshes, merge prefabs, and more).
  • A variety of ground and wall tiles, more than 15 tiles with variations.
  • 4 Example scenes (full dungeon).

⚑ Limitations

🞫 I want to clarify that this pack does not have fire effects for torches. It previously used the outdated Unity particles, but they have been removed.

○ Feedback

Old Forum Thread (Closed)

For questions follow the Unity forum thread or contact me via email:


Technical details

○ Polycount and texture specifications

  • Structures

- DungeonStructureHead: 3158 triangles

- DungeonStructureTower: 426 triangles

- DungeonStructureTunnelN_Arch: 1522 triangles

- StoneArch: 5186 triangles

- PillarA2: 732 triangles

- PillarA: 1166 triangles

- PillarB: 2214 triangles

- StaircaseMergedA1: 8186 triangles

- StaircaseMergedA2_WallPartA: 3395 triangles

- StaircaseMergedB: 6569 triangles

- StaircaseMergedA_TilePartA: 5091 triangles

- StaircaseMergedB_TilePart: 2545 triangles

- StaircaseBricks (9 models): 1406 total triangles

- DunngeonTunnels + TunnelN_Arch: over 1500 triangles

- Simple tunnels: around 15 triangles

- SuportBeams (4 models): 849 highest, 252 lowest, 1725 total triangles

  • Decoration and props

- WallProps (9 models) 1713 total triangles

- Ground Debris: 200,20,17 triangle range

- FloorProps (7 models): around 1000 triangles

- Crate: 252 triangles

- Torch: 2530 triangles

  • Doors and gates

- DungeonGate: 3029 triangles

- DungeonGatesA: 3381 triangles

- DungeonGatesB: 1008 triangles

- DungeonGatesB: 3791 triangles

  • Rocks and stones

- GenericCliff_A: 544 triangles

- GenericCliff_B: 216 triangles

- GenericRocks: (8 models) 7566 highest, 396 lowest, 16996 total triangles

  • Textures

- Texture sizes: 4096 x 4096px (the majority of the texture atlases); 2048 x 2048px, 1024 x 1024px, 512 x 512px, 256 x 256px (tile textures, smaller texture atlases, particles, and splats).

- Texture formats: "Tif" (some textures with alpha and merged maps ((Metalness, Ao, gloss)/masked maps)), "Png" (all albedo, normal maps, and height maps).

(Number of textures counting only the albedo for each material):

- 1k, 512, 256 Textures: 28 Including ground tiles, particles, and splats.

- 2k Textures: 56 Including ground tiles and smaller atlases.

- 4k Textures: 13 Including large atlases, props, and trees.

  • Other information

Rigging: No

Animation count: 0

UV mapping: Yes

LOD information: 4 LODS

Types of materials and texture maps: PBR

Dwarven Expedition Pack

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파일 크기
1.8 GB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2024년 8월 14일
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