Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2021.3.4f1 | Compatible | Not compatible | Not compatible |
Discord Channel|Website & Support|Facebook|Twitter (X)
Pack support unity:
- Unity 5.6
- Unity 2017
- Unity 2018
- Unity 2018 LW RP 4.9
- Unity 2018 HD RP 4.9
- New unity terrain 2018.3+ support
- Unity 2019
- Unity 2019 LW RP 5.7max
- Unity 2019 HD RP 5.7max
- Pack doesn't support higher hd and urp versions.
To run HD or LW RP please import the pack to the HD or LW RP project and then import the support pack which is inside the asset in "HD and LW RP support" folder. It will replace shaders, prefabs, and meshes so they will work with RP out of the box. Please also check the readme files inside that folder.
This pack is:
- group of HQ assets that will work with unity standard shaders and other systems;
- huge group of shaders which will bring better quality and simplify your workflow, if you want to use them;
- shader pack for CTS to get 1:1 compatibility; - all shaders are shared between our all assets;
In our pack you will find 5 aspects (artistic content, shaders, tools, and support files):
1) Artistic content:
- 33 rock prefabs with snow auto-cover, uv free cover, and standard
- 7 atlased rock texture sets (27 textures);
- 4 birch trees with 32 prefabs in HD, autumn, Vegetation Studio, optimized combination;
- 2 willow trees with 14 prefabs in HD, autumn, Vegetation Studio, optimized combination;
- Tree triangles specification below;
- 11 rock models;
- 6 ice floe models;
- 34 ice rock and floe prefabs in 2 example material variants (data is for about ice 540 variants);
- 64 ice lake materials ;
- 64 ice solid object materials;
- 64 ice lake materials with vertex painted snow;
- 5 ground texture sets (20 textures);
- 5 grass prefabs for unity terrain;
- 5 grass prefabs with LOD’s for VS and custom foliage systems;
- our R.A.M river meshes example as the frozen river. - 9 unity grass billboards textures sets;
- uv free environment demo;
- frozen river environment demo;
- frozen lake environment demo;
- 2 seasons and dynamic snow demos;
- All grass textures contain: Albedo, Normalmap, AO, Smoothness;
- All ground textures contain: Albedo, Normalmap, Metalic, AO, Smoothness;
- All object textures contain: Albedo, Normalmap, Metalic, AO, Smoothness;
- All content support snow;
In ground textures you will find: snow, grass, dirt / mud, rock;
- Pack Support LW and HD RP.
2) Shaders:
- All shaders support vegetation studio instanced indirect out of the box; - Note: Snow cover could be sand, moss, grass anything;
- 6 grass shader (lite, standard specular with snow variants);
- 4 standard shaders with snow support;
- 3 cross shaders as last tree lod (standard, snow, seasons);
- bark shaders with snow, metallic/specular variants;
- seasons leaves shaders that support autumn changes and snow cover in metallic/spec variants;
- 4 ice rock shaders auto-covered by snow with uvfree ice (cool ife icebergs and floe) - 8 ice lake shaders in variants: translucency, metallic, specular, snow on vertex color;
- 4 ice solid models shader variants in variants: metallic,specular, translucency;
- 5 uv free shaders also with snow cover;
- 2 unity terrain grass shaders to cover unity grass by snow;
- 3 terrain shaders with snow cover (max 4 splats + snow) in uvfree and triplanar variants;
3) Ported wind shading from HD SRP:
- Advanced and cheap in rendering wind shading;
- Wind will be shared between our all assets;
- Wind works 1:1 like in HD SRP;
- Wind manages grass colors and normals;
- All shaders have a snow support version;
4) Tools and Scripts:
- Snow and Season Manager to control seasons and snow amount;
- HD SRP ported wind to lower unity versions;
- Vertex paint tool shared between all our assets;
5) Additional support files:
- Post process profiles (image effects from movie);
Frozen land tutorial demo scene - download link and assets that it needs to run are in youtube video description.
Documentation | Forum and update roadmap
Pack contain ported wind from Unity 2018 HD SRP into lower unity versions and LW SRP this means that asset uses: NMWind.cginc ,NMWindNoShiver.cginc ,NMWind.hlsl, NMWindNoShiver.hlsl, NM_Wind.cs, ShaderWindSettings.cs, 3DNoise.psd, GustNoise.psd under Unity Companion License see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.
Feel free to contact and visit us at: Discord Channel
You could also look at our other packs:
Assets bundle:
Unity Tools:
- R.A.M 3 - River Auto Material 3
- L.V.E 2023 - Lava & Volcano Environment 2023
- River Auto Material 2019
- River Auto Material
- Lava & Volcano Environment 2019
- Lava & Volcano Environment
- World Streamer 2
- Terrain Stitcher Tools
- Multiple Terrain Brush
- Coast & Dunes Environment
- Modular Castle & Dungeon
- Mountain Environment - Dynamic Nature
- Forest Environment - Dynamic Nature
- Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature
- Mountain Trees - Dynamic Nature
- Dynamic Nature - Starter
- Ice World
- Advanced Rock Pack
- Advanced Foliage Pack
- PBR Graveyard Pack
- Fire & Smoke - Dynamic Nature
- Winter Mountains and Stamps
- Photo Scanned Park Assets
- Mountain Tree Pack
- Realistic Tree Pack
- Realistic Grass Pack
Ground Textures:
VR & FP Models:
Dynamic Nature - Starter