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Added new:

Elements for the construction of houses with round elements.

The set has 21 elements for housing of the cement. Options allow to build a house of any configuration. All of the the constructor decorated in the same style. Constructor is the perfect solution for use in your game. Elements of lowpoly can be used for PC gaming, and mobile devices. We prepared two sets of texture size of 1024, 2048, maps: diffuse, normal, detail diffuse, detail normal, height, occlusion.

Description of the elements:

Foundation round - 54 tris

Overlap round - 42 tris

Ramp roof round - 20 tris

Ladder - 84 tris

Barricade fences - 180 tris

Shutters for windows - 120 tris

Door - 252 tris

Foundation - 204 tris

Pillar - 12 tris

Wall - 60 tris

Wall with window - 144 tris

A wall with a doorway - 114 tris

Overlap - 36 tris

Ramp roof - 36 tris

The rise of the roof - 120 tris

The side wall of the roof - 48 tris

Pillar of the roof - 12 tris

Stairs - 180 tris

Fence - 194 tris

Fence with an opening - 280 tris

Wicket - 252 tris

The package contains an archive with the original version of the model in .max, .psd format for easy changes to your discretion. We prepared the demoscene to demonstrate the quality of the package, which is included in the package.

If you like this package, you may be interested in a package containing other sets for housing: branches, plank, log wood, stones and Mega Construction for building.

Construction for Сement Houses

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파일 크기
153.6 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2017년 4월 3일
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