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.This pack include set of grimm statues, turmalin like rocks and other grimm decoration details.

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Particles not included

Triangle counts:

Base_1 - 4128 triangles

Base_2 - 2884 triangles

Braizer_Cell - 6574 triangles

Braizer_Cell_Empty - 6288 triangles

Braizer_Skull - 2442 triangles

BraizerSkull_full - 4014 triangles

Coal - 286 triangles

Obelisk_1 - 13034 triangles

Obelisk_2 - 3454 triangles

Pillar1 - 712 triangles

Pillar2 - 1286 triangles

Pipes_FC - 528 triangles

Pipes_FL - 96 triangles

Pipes_FP1 - 544 triangles

Pipes_FP2 - 612 triangles

Pipes_FS - 288 triangles

Pipes_FT - 386 triangles

Pipes_IC - 316 triangles

Pipes_IL - 64 triangles

Pipes_IP1 - 348 triangles

Pipes_IP2 - 192 triangles

Pipes_IT - 192 triangles

SM_Base - 16518 triangles

Statue1 - 8188 triangles

Statue2 - 18788 triangles

Statue2_edited - 18788 triangles

Statue3 - 13132 triangles

Statue3_edited - 7905 triangles

Statue4 - 14720 triangles

Statue4_edited - 14720 triangles

StoneL_1 - 1634 triangles

StoneL_2 - 1328 triangles

StoneL_3 - 2340 triangles

StoneL_4 - 730 triangles

StoneL_5 - 452 triangles

StoneL_P1 - 15834 triangles

StoneL_P2 - 8650 triangles

StoneL_P3 - 14220 triangles

StoneL_PB1 - 52364 triangles

StoneL_PB2 - 52924 triangles

StoneL_PB3 - 38704 triangles

StoneL_PF1 - 7214 triangles

StoneL_PF2 - 18826 triangles

StoneL_PF3 - 10430 triangles

StoneL_PT1 - 9742 triangles

StoneL_PT2 - 4728 triangles

StoneL_PT3 - 2364 triangles

StoneS_1 - 10314 triangles

StoneS_2 - 4070 triangles

StoneS_3 - 4670 triangles

StoneS_4 - 2654 triangles

StoneS_5 - 1798 triangles

StoneS_6 - 232 triangles

StoneS_C1 - 26902 triangles

StoneS_C2 - 23102 triangles

StoneS_PB1 - 26502 triangles

StoneS_PB2 - 14840 triangles

Planet heart I

(평가가 충분하지 않습니다)
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파일 크기
1.4 GB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2022년 11월 15일
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