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The first race tracks pack contains 5 different tracks and over 8 scenes ready made with lighting setup.
Use the included tracks and integrate them into your game with ease
Each track comes with a variety of props and contains normal maps for tracks for realism.
The pack is highly optimized for mobile devices.
* Pre-made scenes are included with different lighting and optimization levels
* Colliders are included and ready for tracks and props
* Ideal for a racing game or a simulation game. Remove the track and use the environment for any other project as well
* Photo-real & modern environments
* Normal Maps for roads, props, trees etc. to improve look and feel.
* Highly optimized Low Poly and Realistic Assets
* Atlassed Textures and Shared Materials
* Mobile Ready
* Ready for Oculus, GearVR, Vive and Daydream.
* Great Attention to Detail
* Sky HDRI Included
* PBR Ready
Use the included tracks and integrate them into your game with ease
Each track comes with a variety of props and contains normal maps for tracks for realism.
The pack is highly optimized for mobile devices.
* Pre-made scenes are included with different lighting and optimization levels
* Colliders are included and ready for tracks and props
* Ideal for a racing game or a simulation game. Remove the track and use the environment for any other project as well
* Photo-real & modern environments
* Normal Maps for roads, props, trees etc. to improve look and feel.
* Highly optimized Low Poly and Realistic Assets
* Atlassed Textures and Shared Materials
* Mobile Ready
* Ready for Oculus, GearVR, Vive and Daydream.
* Great Attention to Detail
* Sky HDRI Included
* PBR Ready
Race Tracks - Environments & Props
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386.9 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2023년 2월 21일
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