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Script for generating asteroids in a given orbit, orbital motion and collision control, a script for randomizing shapes and materials. Skybox and asteroid shaders and materials, collision dust VFX
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible

Package Overview

This package is a comprehensive collection of scripts, shaders, and VFX designed to enhance the dynamics and aesthetics of space-themed environments in Unity games. Specifically tailored for the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), it has been meticulously developed and tested exclusively within URP settings, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility.


  1. Orbit Generation Script: Utilizes a distribution map to dynamically generate asteroids along orbits with specified radii, creating a realistic and customizable asteroid belt environment.
  2. Orbital Movement & Collision Script: Manages the orbital trajectories of asteroids while handling basic collisions, ensuring smooth and interactive asteroid field simulations.
  3. Material Randomizer Script: Provides a versatile tool for randomizing materials applied to asteroids, adding variety and depth to the visual appearance of each asteroid.


  1. Asteroid Shader: A highly flexible shader capable of generating random geometry from a template model and applying a randomized material, offering endless visual variations for asteroids.
  2. Skybox Shader & Material: Comes with a cubic map for space environments, creating immersive and expansive cosmic backdrops.


  1. Simple Dust Blust Effect: Activated upon asteroid collisions, this effect simulates a dust cloud, adding a layer of realism to interactions within the asteroid belt.
  2. Dust Cloud effect over belt orbit

Customization and Flexibility

Every script and shader in this package is fully customizable through parameters, allowing developers to tailor the effects and behaviors to fit their specific genre or aesthetic needs. Whether creating an arcade space shooter or a more serene space exploration title, this package provides the tools needed to bring your cosmic visions to life.


1. 1024х1024х24Bpp, 2048x2048x24b dds skybox texture, 2 flibbook textures from visual effect graph default library

2. 3 c# scripts

3. shaders for asteroid and skybox

4. materials for asteroid and skybox

5. prefabs - asteroid, dust blast and dust cloud vfx

6. one sphere model 20k poligons fbx for a visual example


URP and Visual effect graph neded

Use the asteroid material on the default unity sphere model or on your fbx model

Technical details

  1. Dynamic Orbit Generation: Automatically generate asteroids in orbits around a central point, using a curves to control the density and distribution, providing a realistic asteroid belt environment.
  2. Orbital Movement and Collision Handling: Scripts manage the smooth movement of asteroids along their orbits and include basic collision detection and response, enhancing interactivity within the asteroid field.
  3. Material Randomizer: A versatile script that randomizes the materials and geometry of asteroids, ensuring visual variety and uniqueness for each asteroid within the scene.
  4. Customizable Asteroid Shader: A shader designed to generate random asteroid geometries from a template model, coupled with the capability to apply random materials, offering a high degree of visual customization.
  5. Skybox Shader with Cubic Map: An immersive skybox shader and material setup, equipped with a cubic map specifically designed for creating captivating cosmic backdrops, perfect for space-themed games.
  6. Simple Dust Cloud VFX: A visually appealing effect that simulates a dust cloud upon asteroid collisions, adding realism and a dynamic visual element to space environments.
  7. Full Customizability Through Parameters: All scripts and shaders come with adjustable parameters, allowing developers to fine-tune the appearance and behavior of the package's components to fit the specific needs of their project.
  8. Optimized for URP: The package is developed and tested exclusively for the Unity Universal Render Pipeline (URP), ensuring optimal performance and compatibility with modern Unity projects.

Asteroids Belt procedural generator URP

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Latest version
Latest release date
Nov 15, 2024
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