평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상

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10만명 이상의 포럼 멤버가 선호하는 에셋

유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

This package is MOBILE FRIENDLY.

- Rescaled all meshes to fit realistic world scales in most games. From 100% to 2%. Now all meshes are about 1 meter size (was about 50 meters, what sometimes cause an issues with camera render and shadows).
- Removed majority of premade towers prefabs. Only 10 full upgraded towers left. This was done in order to simplify the publisher work with prefabs with further updates. Too hard to modify all 50 prefabs every time. Remaining prefabs named different than older.
- Removed majority of effects prefabs that cloned each other in most cases.
- Effects prefabs also reworked to fit new scales of prefabs.
- *js script was replaced with *cs script. It doing the same things.

Watch all type of towers, skins and effects in SHOW REEL

The pack contains 63 unique parts to create any weapon, turret, defense tower or just a space gun in sci-fi style. Art pack perfect fit to use it in M.O.B.A, Tower defense, strategy or space games.

Just move, rotate and mix fbx meshes as you wish to build whatever you want. Then just create a prefab, add effects and its ready to use in your game! Also pack contains effects for each premade tower type.

Use the PSD file to change\modify diffuse texture style and colors.

There are 10 premade towers for use, inspiration, example, and fun. All of them animated and ready to use in a game.

Majority of every mesh has 150 vertices or less to minimize drawcall use. Triangle count depend on how many parts you will use.

10 tower prefabs
63 FBX meshes
11 materials
6 diffuse maps for parts 4k x 4k 32bit (with specular in alpha channel)
11 textures for effects
1 normal map 24 bit
1 PSD diffuse source file. 4k x 4k.

Simple, flexible, usable.

If you like this package - please rate it and post a review below. Also check my other packages by clicking on my publisher name. Thanks!

Tower Defense Kit

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파일 크기
255.9 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2017년 12월 29일
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