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Hyper-casual glasses for your hyper casual game.
If you need to turn stickmen into a fashionable character, this asset will help you.

The asset includes 40 pices glasses

The temples of glasses and masks are separate objects. These objects can be disabled or adjusted.

Alien_goggles 713 verts, 972 tris
Blinds_glasses 484 verts, 424 tris
Butterfly_glasses 410 verts, 388 tris
Cat_glasses 732 verts, 636 tris
Cinema_glasses 414 verts, 276 tris
Diving_mask 746 verts, 794 tris
Euro_glasses 436 verts, 332 tris
Eyelash_glasses 808 verts, 888 tris
Fire_glasses 944 verts, 1044 tris
Flamingo_glasses 692 verts, 684 tris
Glasses_01 236 verts, 188 tris
Glasses_02 392 verts, 370 tris
Glasses_03 312 verts, 280 tris
Glasses_04 308 verts, 288 tris
Glasses_05 221 verts, 218 tris
Glasses_06 504 verts, 476 tris
Glasses_08 816 verts, 868 tris
Glasses_09 418 verts, 352 tris
Glasses_10 352 verts, 336 tris
Glasses_bitcoin_01 708 verts, 486 tris
Glasses_bitcoin_02 670 verts, 688 tris
Glasses_dollar 488 verts, 404 tris
Glasses_feathers 942 verts, 940 tris
Glasses_hearts 466 verts, 436 tris
Glasses_octopuses 1178 verts, 1206 tris
Glasses_with_nose 744 verts, 928 tris
Glasses_with_palm_trees 1152 verts, 1148 tris
Horned_glasses 654 verts, 582 tris
Hypnotic_glasses 500 verts, 464 tris
lightning_glasses 327 verts, 260 tris
Lip_glasses 352 verts, 330 tris
Mask 512 verts, 520 tris
Night_vision_goggles 590 verts, 555 tris
Radiation 968 verts, 820 tris
Sight_glasses 732 verts, 614 tris
Snowboarding_glasses 484 verts, 452 tris
Star_goggles 357 verts, 332 tris
Swag_glasses 481 verts, 402 tris
Toilet_paper 512 verts, 728 tris
VR 766 verts, 752 tris

My hyper-casual characters:
Hyper-Casual Character Stickman sphere head
Hyper-Casual Characters Stickman sphere head skins vol. 1 city
Hyper-Casual Characters Stickman sphere head skins vol.1 gang
Hyper Casual Characters Stickman sphere head skins vol .1 sports
Hyper-Casual Characters Stickman sphere head skins vol.2 riot police

Hyper-Casual Glasses

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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
License type
File size
1.4 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 27, 2021
Original Unity version
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