평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상

8만 5천명 이상의 리뷰

10만명 이상의 포럼 멤버가 선호하는 에셋

유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋


Padding on 4k texture - 16 px

Number of unique objects: 17

Textures (Tga-8bit) : Albedo, Emissive, Normal, SpecularSmoothness

All - 4096x4096

Desert Chest - model consists of 7 materials - 1.Desert chest, 2.Pharaoh statue, 3.Sarcophagus,

4.Pharaoh Sword, 5. Scarab bas-relief, 6. Camel bas-relief, 7. Eagle-statue

Desert Chest have 4 color and 3 emissive, sarcophagus have 2 color, almost all models have about three emissive

SM_Desert_Chest_Max - 20660 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Open_Max - 13809 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Normal - 13236 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Base - 6548 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Open_Normal - 6385 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Easy - 3236 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Open_Easy - 3073 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Cap_1 - 163 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Cap_2 - 915 polygon

SM_Desert_Chest_Cap_3 - 6851 polygon

SM_Pharaoh_Sword - 1138 polygon

SM_Sarcophagus_Max - 8162 polygon

SM_Sarcophagus_Base - 1477 polygon

SM_Sarcophagus_Open - 942 polygon

SM_Sarcophagus_Emblem - 749 polygon

SM_Sarcophagus_Stove_1 - 535 polygon

SM_Sarcophagus_Stove_2 - 6471 polygon

SM_Scarab_Bas_relief - 1353 polygon

SM_Statue_Eagle - 3712 polygon

SM_Statue_Eagle_2 - 3613 polygon

SM_Statue_Pharaoh - 5936 polyogon

SM_Camel_Bas_relief - 1656 polygon

SM_Camel_Bas_relief_2 - 1548 polygon

SM_Camel_Bas_relief_3 - 108 polygon

Pirate Chest - model consists of two materials - this is pirate-chest and pirate-rudder

SM_Pirate_Chest_Close_With_Rudder - 10978 polygon

SM_Pirate_Chest_Open-With-Rudder - 10978 polygon

SM_Pirate_Chest_Close - 7482 polygon

SM_Pirate_Chest_Open - 7482 polygon

SM_Pirate_Chest_Body - 4228 polygon

SM_Pirate_Chest_Cap - 3259 polygon

SM_Pirate_Key - 1093 polygon

SM_Pirate_Rudder_With_Skull - 1748 polygon

SM_Pirate_Rudder - 1351 polygon

SM_Pirate_Skull - 397 polygon

Bronze Chest consist of one material

SM_Bronze_Chest - 4167 polygon

SM_Bronze_Chest_Open - 4167 polygon

SM_Bronze_Chest_Open_2 - 1572 polygon

SM_Bronze_Chest_Cap - 2595 polygon

SM_Bronze_Chest_Key - 791 polygon

Rune Chest consist of one material

SM_Rune_Chest - 3737 polygon

SM_Rune_Chest_Open - 3737 polygon

SM_Rune_Chest_Open_2 - 2670 polygon

SM_Rune_Chest_Cap - 1067 polygon

Rune Ingot consist of one material

SM_Rune_Ingot_Bronze - 20 polygon

SM_Rune_Ingot_Iron - 20 polygon

SM_Rune_Ingot_Gold - 20 polygon

SM_Rune_Ingot_Ice - 20 polygon

SM_Rune_Ingot_Daemon - 20 polygon

SM_Rune_Key - 321 polygon (key for rune chest)

Barrel Chest consist of one material

SM_Barrel_Chest - 1681 polygon

SM_Barrel_Chest_Open - 1681 polygon

SM_Barrel_Chest_Open-2 - 1316 polygon

SM_Barrel_Chest_Cap - 365 polygon

SM_Barrel_Chest_Key - 81 polygon

Magic Chest consist of one material

SM_Magic_Chest - 1907 polygon

SM_Magic_Chest_Open - 1907 polygon

SM_Magic_Chest_Open-2 - 1168 polygon

SM_Magic_Chest_Cap - 739 polygon

SM_Magic_Chest_Key - 133 polygon

Cylinder Lootbox consist of one material

SM_Cylinder_Lootbox - 1436 polygon

SM_Cylinder_Lootbox_Cap - 831 polygon

SM_Cylinder_Lootbox_Open - 605 polygon

Gold Lootbox consist of one material

SM_Gold_Lootbox - 1075 polygon

SM_Gold_Lootbox-Cap - 568 polygon

SM_Gold_Lootbox_Open - 507 polygon

Temple Lootbox consist of one material

SM_Temple_Lootbox_With_Book - 769 polygon

SM_Temple_Lootbox - 609 polygon

SM_Temple_Lootbox_Open - 545 polygon

SM_Temple_Lootbox_Cap_1 - 64 polygon

SM_Temple_Lootbox_Cap_2 - 224 polygon

Fantasy Magic Chests

(평가가 충분하지 않습니다)
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파일 크기
945.6 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 8월 21일
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