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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Package includes:
- 3 UNIQUE MODELS of oat breads
- 2 separate meshes for each model - low and mid poly
- custom collisions

All models in OAT BREADS PACK were created using photogrammetry and they are based on carefully picked real-life goods. While meshes were optimized to meet requirements of real-time rendering, high quality of photoscanned textures were enhanced by adding Normal maps and proper Smoothness for various surfaces. Each model is provided with low and mid-poly version. First is dedicated for use as a gameplay item or level decoration and the later is suitable for close ups, ex. as a cinematic prop or an element of an architectural visualisation.

Number of meshes: 6
Number of prefabs: 6
Texture Size: 4096x4096 each
Vertex Count:
Mid poly: from 850 to 1251 (1698-2498 triangles)
Low poly: from 246 to 253 (488-502 triangles)

LODs: No (low and mid poly versions are available as separate prefabs)

Oat Breads Pack

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