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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

This pack contains 13 different models based on photogrammetry data and enhanced with procedural tools.

Examples of use:
- Environment details
- Collectible items
- Scaled up can be used in fantasy scenes or point of view of something small*

Suitable for Desktop, VR, AR, mobile projects.

Technical details:
For optimization, assets are grouped to share the same 4k Albedo, Normal, Metallic(Smoothness) and AO textures.
Each scan has been manually retopologized and has ~350 tris with LOD stages down to ~64 tris.
Assets are scaled 1:1 as in real life.

You can take a look at my other packages

* When scaled, triangles might be very visible, I'd reccomend applying DX11 tesselation or exporting model and add more geometry. Feel free to send me a message on support email.

Forest Mushrooms Vol. 2

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