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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋
This package extends the XR Interaction Toolkit with custom interactors and controllers, hand-joint aggregation, and simulation subsystems. It seamlessly integrates with the Unity Input System.
Input in MRTK3 is mainly routed through two paths: Unity's input system and MRTK subsystems. Unity's input system is used for everything that it supports, from controller buttons and thumbsticks to controller/hand pointer poses. MRTK subsystems exist for other pieces of data that's needed for a broad set of interactions, like hand joints and speech. For more information visit https://aka.ms/mrtk3.input.package.
MRTK Input
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULA라이선스
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2.7 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2024년 9월 18일
최소 지원 Unity 버전
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