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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Create Beauty

Take your games to the next level with high quality audio that I would happily to send to anyone of my clients.

The lite version includes two of the tracks listed below.

The full version includes 10 loop-able tracks each depicting different moods ranging from utter misery to mind-blowing awe.

You will be receiving three audio files for each track. One will be the entire piece, another will be a loop and the last is short cue which you can use to introduce the loop-able version.


In order of appearance on reel: At Sea (3:16) - An emotive track aiming to depict a repetitive and melancholic scenario perhaps on a long voyage or journey.

New Ideas (1:42) - This track describes a fresh beginning following a time of difficulty. It may be fitting to include this track at the end of your game as a goodbye.

Snow Falling (2:52) - In times of great awe or character development this piece would work. The gentle melody high in the violin parts interacts beautifully with the thunderous bass below.

Travellers (2:14) - The aim of this piece was to evoke an image of some travellers in a tavern telling their stories through music.

In Flames (2:43) - An extremely violent opening shows the horror and pain of burning. Following this is a section depicting decimated buildings.

The Woods at Dawn (1:44) - There is an atmosphere of tranquility and anticipation. This track has an earthy medieval aspect that would be perfect for times before a battle or large event.

In Ruins (3:13) - Militant in style, this piece aims to show the thoughts of someone seeing their homeland in ruin. The music would suit a war scenario.

Sunflower Fields (1:55) - Short and sweet. The gentle harmonies paint a relaxing picture of clear blue skies and meadows.

Woe (3:11) - The tear jerker. Reserved for times of great misery and madness.

Running (1:24) - Running is a more fast paced piece with an uneasy nature. It would fit a scenario where the user is witnessing something they do not quite understand.

I have enjoyed creating this asset for all you gamers very much and hope that you experience this joy as well.

The reason I make these assets is to network with the game designers of the future (you!) so if anyone would like to collaborate or has any interesting thoughts do not hesitate to contact me through my website: T.C. Edwards

Thank you very much

Cinematic Strings Lite

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2020년 2월 13일
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