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This pack is one of Creatorium GD packs series. It means that sounds are perfectly prepared to easy integration into your project. This pack contains the sounds of movements of a huge stepping machine in three variations of each one for using in random mode ("..._rnd1", "..._rnd2", "..._rnd3" in the name of file).
The sounds named as "..._stepUp_..." must be set at the moment when the knee starts the rising (it's not the looped sounds). The sounds named as "..._stepDown_..." must be set at the end of a step when a foot contacts with a surface and it must interrupt the sound of rising knee.
The sounds of steps are presented for four types of the surfaces and it is indicated in the name of file too: grass, stones, shoal water and clean rigid surface.
This pack also contains the sounds of the moving of movable parts: "..._partMoveStop_..." is the end of moving of a part and it must interrupt the sounds named "..._partMove_...".
"..._bodyTurn_..." works the same way.
Four sounds of failure are different and it was made not for the using it in random mode, but maybe it will works.
The sounds named as "..._stepUp_..." must be set at the moment when the knee starts the rising (it's not the looped sounds). The sounds named as "..._stepDown_..." must be set at the end of a step when a foot contacts with a surface and it must interrupt the sound of rising knee.
The sounds of steps are presented for four types of the surfaces and it is indicated in the name of file too: grass, stones, shoal water and clean rigid surface.
This pack also contains the sounds of the moving of movable parts: "..._partMoveStop_..." is the end of moving of a part and it must interrupt the sounds named "..._partMove_...".
"..._bodyTurn_..." works the same way.
Four sounds of failure are different and it was made not for the using it in random mode, but maybe it will works.
Armored giant 01
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许可证类型:Single Entity
