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Animal Puzzle Match 2D is an endless, challenging and fun mobile game which is a simple, yet amazing complete instructional and unity game mobile project compatible with all platforms such as webplayer, mobile, iOs, android and desktop.

Drag and drop the animal faces shapes with your finger or mouse button to match it with the other correct shape together and advance levels as you go!

✪ This game is filled with lots of features to get your own puzzle match 2D game running and it's also very easy to customize, it also includes fully-functional level unlock system with level selection menu and progress saving, save progress, reset the save progress with a click of a button, level-selection menu and main menu, easy puzzle match system, game manager which calculates how many shapes you have and win the game, over 200+ different sprites to use, matching system, easy to use and to create your own mobile game and much much more. It also includes amazing features such as level advance, save progress, reset level and level unlock. Mobile optimized, puzzle match system, score system to calculate the time you spent, game over feature, over 200+ sprites which you can use such as animal faces, backgrounds, puzzles, elements, trees, fence and many more. ✪

Mobilephone Potrait (1200x800) View Demo - Click Here To Play The Demo

This pack includes and features:

- A puzzle match 2D project with sound, music, effects, gameplay, over 7 scenes, menu, level selection menu, full animations, over 200+ total sprites to use, 65+ prefabs you can use and much more.

- Very easy to reskin (Just change the sprites).

- Over 200+ sprites in the package. (Animal faces, backgrounds, grounds, trees, elements and many more)

- Over 240 different animal faces (outline, round and more) for the puzzle match sprites in the package.

- Level unlock and advance, progress save and level selection menu. Save your last progress and continue your game from the last level with many customization.

- Mobile friendly and mobile optimized both for iOS and Android.

- On-screen timer GUI that calculates how much time you took and on-screen GUI to tell you how many shapes are left and needed till next level with many customization.

- Challenging and fun game-play where have to match different shapes with menu, level selection, animations, sprites and everything ready!

- Addictive and fun kids mobile-friendly game where you have to match animal faces together in order to advance the levels.

- Amazing animal faces puzzles to match with, with different customization sounds, shapes and more.

- Score system where it will calculates the time until you win the game and displays it at the end of the level.

- Advanced and fully functional level unlock system and progress save. You can also reset your progress!

- Level-based fun game for kids that will keep players engaged for hours. You can create your own levels very easy with just drag-and-drop prefabs!

- Level selection menu which you can select which level you want to play with unlock-able levels system.

- Customize your own game ending GUIs, sounds and much more easily!

- Easily create levels in just minutes with drag-and-drop ready to use prefabs and with over 200+ beautiful sprites to use for your game.

- Drag as many pieces of shapes as you wish both with your finger or mouse button.

- Complete instructional game with menu, game over screen, score system and more!

- Fully function beautiful main camera fade-out feature to start your game.

- Game Manager which works smoothly that calculates automatically how many shapes you have in the game, and when all the shapes are done the game is won!

- Customizable on screen end game GUI buttons such as continue level button and back to menu button.

- Customizable sounds such as game over sound, win game sound, correct shape sound, fail sound and more along with other customization.

- And many more features!

If you are looking to create a puzzle match + level unlock and selection menu with progress saving and a matching game or any type of similar game or anything like that then this is the ultimate package for you which includes prefabs to start your own game easy so you can just build and go and you can also change it with your own needs, all sprites can be changed to your needs too. It is also mobile friendly and specifically made for smartphones.

Detailed full 28-pages documentation is included which covers everything on how to create your own game, along with many other things with also 7 example scenes included (including the menu and level selection menu).

Animal Puzzle Match 2D - Drag & Drop Mobile Template Game (Educational Game) + Level Unlock & Progress Save Advance System

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Animal Puzzle Match 2D - Drag & Drop Mobile Template Game (Educational Game) + Level Unlock & Progress Save Advance System