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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Create your own Basketball game with little effort; most of the game logic has already been programmed and the player's AI will gladly surprise you. It is up to you whether to polish the game to have it ready in a couple of weeks or use it as a base template to save you months’ worth of work.

Fully working on Mobile Devices! This is what’s included in our package:

- Fully customizable player model and Materials/Tetxures.
- Player animations (passing, throwing, jumping, running, etc...)
- NPCs can react to many different situations during the game (waiting for pass, attacking, defending, etc...)
- Prefabs: all the required prefabs to create a playing field and its players.
- DPad: iOS/Android friendly controls, perfect for touch-based screens.
- Direct technical support with the original programmer: rubenalcanyiz@gmail.com
- Official Unity Forum thread: Forum Thread
- Discuss or ask anything: Discord

Please, don’t forget to give our online demo a go to know what you are buying!

Playable Demo

Basketball Project

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라이선스: Single Entity
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