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Now you can create your very own Blasters game!

The Blasters Game Kit is ready to go right out of the box, and it’s easy to replace the art, music, and sound effects with your own.

It is optimized for mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android).

The player's goal is to fire balls around the playing area and take out the descending numbered blocks. Every hit decreases the numbers on the blocks, and decreasing a numbered block to zero will remove it from the game board. The player can also collect pickups which increase their ball quota, temporarily multiply the strength of each ball, or turn the ball into an unstoppable fireball.

In addition, the player can aim for the "power-up" blocks which appear from time to time. When these special blocks are hit by a ball, they will instantly destroy all blocks in a 3x3 area, all blocks in the same column, or all blocks in the same row.

The game includes three different Playing Modes: survive as long as possible in Endless Mode, accumulate as many points as possible within the time limit in Timed Mode, or battle through 40 progressively-difficult levels in Campaign Mode.

Key Features:
- Fully-commented C# scripts
- Simple Front-End Menus
- Options screen
- How to Play Screen
- High Score Table
- Three Playing Modes
- 40 unlockable levels
- Three different Power-Ups
- Optimized for mobile devices
- Example audio included

If you have any questions or issues please contact us at: unity@funkyfinger.ca

Check out the Blasters Game Kit in action in "Candy Blasterz", available soon on iTunes and Google Play!

Blasters Game Kit

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15.3 MB
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2019년 5월 10일
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