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Chilly Snow 2D Slide is an endless, challenging and fun mobile game ready for release which is a simple, yet amazing complete ready-to-use and ready-for-release unity game mobile project compatible with all platforms such as webplayer, mobile, iOs, android and desktop.

You can move your player left or right by tapping once and if you keep holding then the player will move towards that direction left or right faster. You have to 'slide down the snowy hill' while evading trees and obstacles in your way and try to get a good score!

✪ This game is ready to just release and very easy to customize, it also includes Obstacle Generator to generate random obstacles of your choice, over 15+ different obstacles you can choose from + you can create your own EASY, 3 fully ready-to-use player which you can use and much much more. It also includes amazing features such as mobile movement, random generator, score system, game over feature, over 30+ sprites which you can use such as objects, obstacles, players, ground, trees, fence, sprites and many more. ✪

Mobilephone Potrait (600x800) View Demo - Click Here To Play The Demo

This pack includes and features:

- Ready for release and really easy to reskin (Just change the sprites).

- Mobile movement by just tapping once to move on the left or right side and holding the tap will make the player go faster in that direction.

- Fully ready-to-use challenging and fun game-play where you are going down the hill and have to evade the incoming trees and obstacles. Including 3 different levels and a menu!

- Addictive, endless and fun mobile-friendly game where you have to evade the incoming obstacles and try to get a good, high score!

- Advanced ready-to-use players with different customization speed, movement, sounds and many more.

- Score system where it will calculates the time until you lost the game and displays it at the end of the game.

- Advanced Random Obstacle Generator which generates and spawns random X amount of obstacles of your choice with customizations such as spawn speed, obstacle types and more!

- Endless fun game that will keep players engaged for hours.

- Random sprite prefab generator with customization. Spawn random sprite prefabs such as clouds and more and set your own timer when they spawn!

- Slide through obstacles and set your own speed, amount of obstacles generated and much more!

- Easily create endless levels in just minutes with drag-and-drop ready to use prefabs and with over 30+ beautiful sprites to use for your game.

- A completed game project with sound, music, effects, gameplay, over 3 scenes, menu, full animations, over 30+ total sprites to use, 25+ prefabs you can use and more.

- 'Time Trial Mode' which have a moving prefab Sprite that follow the player and if the player touches it the game will end. (also called death steam fog movement)

- Fully ready to use complete game with menu, game over screen, score system and more!

- Fully function beautiful main camera fade-out feature to start your game.

- Advance functional hold touch to increase movement speed.

- Customizable on screen end game GUI buttons such as 'restart' scene button and 'back to menu' button.

- Customizable sounds such as game over sound, sliding sound and more along with other customization.

- Amazing 'death cloud feature' which follows the player and if it catches him the game will end.

- And many more features!

If you are looking to create a Chilly Snow Slide type game or anything like that then this is the ultimate package for you which includes all ready to use prefabs to start your own game easy so you can just build and go and you can also change it with your own needs, all sprites can be changed to your needs too. It is also mobile friendly and specifically made for smartphones.

Detailed full documentation is included which covers everything on how to create your own game, along with many other things with also 3 example scenes included (including the menu).

Chilly Snow 2D Slide Endless Runner - Infinite Chilly Snowy Zig-Zag Slider Mobile Game

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ライセンス: Single Entity
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11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
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