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Cube Tilt Dodge 3D - Endless Falling Box Evade Mobile Device Tilt Game is a complete ready-to-use and ready-for-release unity game project compatible with all platforms such as webplayer, mobile, iOs, android and desktop. It also have a device tilt (Accelerometer) to tilt to move on mobile devices.

Perfect for creating a game like dodging the cubes, cube dodge or anything falling cubes game where you have to evade the falling boxes by moving left or right with your keyboard or by tilting you phone.

This KIT have everything you need to create a cube dodge game where you need to evade the falling cubes. It also includes over 100+ models and everything is customizable from the player cubes, enemies to the rigidbody prefabs. Flexible and customizable.

This project also includes over 100+ models and over 30+ prefabs which you can use such as trees, nature, rocks, players, cubes, spheres, grass and more.

Mobilephone Potrait (800x1280) View Demo - Click Here To Play The Demo

This pack includes and features:

- No programming skills required to start.

- Ready for release and 100% mega easy to reskin.

- Addictive, endless 'runner' gameplay ready-for-realse where you have to move and evade the falling boxes and gain score.

- Advance accelorometer feature which allows you to tilt device (your mobile phone) to move the player and evade the falling boxes.

- 3+ different customizable player including box, cube and sphere to use with customizable drag, rigidbody, speed and more.

- 3+ different enemies to use with customizable rigidbody and more.

- Endless 'runner' game that will keep you engaged for hours.

- Over 100+ models to use and all can be used as blocker to block or can be used for the environment including trees, rocks, props, grass and many more!

- Easy create endless game mode in just minutes with drag-and-drop ready to use prefabs and with over 100+ beautiful models to use for your game.

- Advanced functional and simple accelerometer mobile controls. (Works for all android, iOS, webplayer, desktop and more)

- A completed game project with sound, music, effects, gameplay, over 11 scenes, menu, full animations, over 300+ sprites to use, 6+ different balls you can use and many customizations and more.

- Amazing and beautiful full ready to publish game mode where you have to evade the falling boxes.

- Customizable player trials, color and much more.

- Advance generator feature which generates X number of random falling enemies with customizable time, enemy type and more.

- Fully scripted end game feature that display the end game screen when you lose along with the score that you got and buttons (home, exit and continue buttons)

- 3 different levels example scenes included.

- Score system where it calculates how many seconds you are alive as score and displays on the screen along with the end of each scene.

- Fully ready to use complete game with menu, game over screen, score system and more!

- Customizable enemies so when you touch with them and the player loses along with many customizations.

- Over 8+ music, sound effects and audios to use in your game.

- Fully function beautiful main camera fade-out feature to start your game.

- Fully beautiful and ready to use menu which can be customized very easily.

- Customizable on screen GUI buttons.

- Fully function smooth game over with screen GUI which displays score at the end.

- Customizable sounds such as end game sound, enemies falling sound, player sounds and more along with other customization.

- and many more!

If you are looking to create a cube dodge, dodge the boxes, box dodge or anything similar, then this is the ultimate KIT for you which includes all ready to use prefabs to start your own game easy so you can just build and go and you can also change it with your own needs. It is also mobile friendly and specifically made for smartphones.

Detailed full documentation is included which covers everything on how to create your own game, along with many other things with also 3 example scenes included (including the menu).

Cube Tilt Dodge Run 3D - Endless Runner Mobile Game KIT

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Cube Tilt Dodge Run 3D - Endless Runner Mobile Game KIT