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Color Splash Maze Paint 3D is a simple, but advance level based, challenging and fun mobile game where you have to paint the maze. It's a simple maze painting labyrinth instructional and unity game mobile project compatible with all platforms such as webplayer, mobile, iOs, android and desktop to create your own type-game more easily then ever before! We also included Flying Saucers - UFO Paint 3D levels.

Move the UFO with paint with your fingers or mouse button to paint the whole maze with colors, try to get all the ground painted to win the level!

Mobilephone Potrait (480x800) View Demo - Click Here To Play The Demo (Everything you see in the demo is everything you get, plus more.)

Quick Features
• Complete game with all features ready.
• Easy to customize and reskin.
• Game progress auto-saving and continue from last level.
• Customizable random automatic color changing feature.
• Commented code and easy to use.
• Detailed documentation with VIDEO TUTORIALS.
• Optimized for Mobile.
• Heavily Detailed documentation which covers everything.
• Video tutorials which are easy to follow on how to start your own game, create obstacles and more!

✪ This game is ready and very easy to reskin. It also includes automatic save progress system where you continue where you left off and many more. It's filled with lots of features to get game running and it's also very easy to customize, it also includes fully-functional auto save-and-load feature where it will save the last level you were on and you can continue from there, a fully functional main menu, color-changing features, 10 ready to use levels and much more. It includes all features to create your game with many customizables along with different colors, ready-to-use levels to choose from, game over system, over 30+ prefabs to use in your game, beautiful game menu, finger touch input and everything needed. Easy to use and to create your own mobile game and much much more. Mobile optimized and ready to go! ✪

This pack includes and features:

- A complete ready 'Paint The Maze' level based type-game template.

- Very easy to reskin and to create your own levels.

- Over 30 prefabs in the package for your to readily use and drag-and-drop. (Players, grounds, obstacle groups, ready-to-use levels, game settings and much more)

- Fully customizable player ball with auto color changing and many customizations such as speed, color changing, rigidbody and many more.

- Level saving progress where you can continue from the last scene you were and you can also restart from the start.

- Mobile friendly and mobile optimized both for iOS and Android.

- Game over system when the game ends with customizations and buttons to restart, quit to menu or continue to next level.

- Video tutorials to start and create your own level obstacles and much more easily!

- Challenging and fun game-play where have to move your player ball around and evade the colored obstacles!

- Addictive and fun, hyper-casual mobile-friendly game.

- Background color system feature where you can select 2 different colors to blend in to create an amazing background color effect.

- Also includes 10 different static backgrounds which you can use in your game along with the background color system.

- Level-based fun game that will keep players engaged for hours. You can create your own levels very easy with just drag-and-drop prefabs and ready-to-use level templates!

- Main Camera with full features including beautiful screen fade, background color fading and much more.

- Customize your own game ending GUIs, sounds and much more!

- 30+ prefabs to use in your game to create your own level.

- 10+ background prefabs with beautiful gradient color to use in your game as background images.

- 10+ ready-to-use level templates prefabs to just drag and drop into the scene to use in your game.

- Complete instructional game with menu, game over screen and all features ready!

- Fully function beautiful main camera fade-out feature to start your game.

- Customizable on screen end game GUI buttons such as continue level button, retry level button and back to menu button.

- Customizable sounds such as game over sounds and more along with other customization.

- And many more features!

- Highly detailed documentation which covers everything on how to create your own game, create your own levels and such along with video tutorials to follow!

If you are looking to create a similiar type game with everything ready including save system and menu or any type of similar game or anything like that then this is the ultimate package for you which includes prefabs to start your own game easy so you can just build and go and you can also change it with your own needs, all prefabs can be changed to your needs too. It is also mobile friendly and specifically made for smartphones.

Detailed full documentation is included which covers everything on how to create your own game, along with many other things with also 10 example scenes included (including the menu)

Flying Saucers UFO Paint 3D + Color Splash Maze Paint 3D - Paint The Maze Color Splash House Paint Mobile Game (Mobile Friendly)

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ライセンス: Single Entity
このアセットは Unity アセットストアの払い戻しポリシーの対象です。詳細については、EULA のセクション 2.9.3 を参照してください。
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
99.1 MB
オリジナルの Unity バージョン
11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人以上のフォーラムメンバーが支持
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Flying Saucers UFO Paint 3D + Color Splash Maze Paint 3D - Paint The Maze Color Splash House Paint Mobile Game (Mobile Friendly)