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The ultimate multiplayer first-person shooter kit for Unity, optimized for mobile platforms.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and HDRP are supported but by default the game is using the built-in render pipeline, the asset documentation includes the guides to convert the project to any of the other render pipelines manually.

Package dependencies
This package needs other Asset Store packages in order to work.

MFPS Mobile is a specialized version of the popular MFPS 2.0 multiplayer first-person game template, optimized for seamless performance on mobile devices. It features a specialized mobile input control system, making it a convenient and efficient choice for developers targeting mobile platforms. With MFPS Mobile, you can save a significant amount of time and effort in comparison to developing a mobile version of the game from scratch. This template includes all of the features and systems of the original MFPS 2.0, and is optimized to provide a smooth and immersive gaming experience on mobile devices.

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Why Choose MFPS?

MFPS is your top choice for an advanced and professional multiplayer FPS template, offering a vast array of both basic and advanced features at an affordable price. Beyond its comprehensive core features, MFPS also boasts a large number of extensions and addons that can be acquired separately, enabling you to create a next-gen multiplayer FPS. While other kits exist, none compare to MFPS in terms of feature set, both core and extensions. Many alternatives focus solely on FPS systems without robust multiplayer support, or offer poor multiplayer implementations with limited features and subpar gameplay and UI. These options typically provide only a 25% – 30% complete base game, whereas MFPS gives you an 80% ready AAA game right from the start.

Developed over more than 7 years, MFPS features optimized, clean code and impeccable multiplayer implementation, tested by hundreds of developers and used in many released games played by millions worldwide on various platforms.

Technical details

Feature List:

3 Game modes: Team Deathmatch, Free For All, and Capture of Flag, and 5 more as addons: Demolition, Elimination, Cover Point, Kill Confirmed, and Gun Race.

All for All or Team vs Team modes.

AI/Bot Players.

Party with bots and real players, all sync over the network.

Photon Offline Support for fast prototyping.

Build-In Editor tutorials for Add Weapons, Add Maps, Replace Players, and Bots Models.

Team Voice chat.

Private and Public matches.

Anti-Cheat Toolkit Integration

Player Classes: Assault, Engineer, Support, and Recon.

8 different types of weapons: Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Grenade, Molotov, Grenade Launcher, and Knife.

Complete weapon system.

Complete player controller, Sliding, Ladder Climbing, Jump, Crouch, and Run.

Procedural weapon movement (allows animation based too).

Advance player synchronization with interpolation, extrapolation, and lag compensation.

Photon Friend List implementation.

Server Lobby and Pre-Match lobbies.

Damage direction Indicator UI, Crosshair hit mark, and hit sound feedback.

Lobby chat (Optional)

Manual team selection and Auto-Team selection.

Kick Vote System.

Foot IK placement, Arms IK, and IK Headlook.

Fire types (Auto, Single, and Semi-Automatic).

Precise synchronization of bullets and positions.

Fall, Explosion, and Vehicle collision damages.

Server statistics, total connected players, total rooms, player ping.

Visual effects integration.

Health regeneration (optional)

Local killfeed and Global killfeed UI (Who Kill Who)

Match score and Player scoreboard.

Match timer and Coundown.

Drop request and delivery system. (To drop items in-match)

Level items: Doors, Ladders, Jump pads, Kill zones, Damaging zones.

Pickables: Weapons, Health, and Ammo kits.

Headshot detection.

Fire effects: Muzzleflash, Bullet trail, Kickback, Camera shaking.

AFK detection, and AFK auto-kick.

Match creation options: Max Players, Time Limit, Map, Mode, Goal, etc...

Connection loading screen.

Asynchronous Data Loading.

In-game adjustable view and weapon field of view.

Ping limit option on matches.

Teammates name plater and health bar.

Dinamyc footstep per tag or surface.

Object Pooling system.

Graphic, Audio, Control, and Generals in-game menu settings.

Team and Global in-match chat

Procedural weapon motion system: Movement delay, bob, inherited force.

Throw gun after death.

Ammo and medic kit throwing.

Kill Camera, observe death or spectate killer.

Network stats debugging.

UGUI Crosshair, different for each weapon type.

Spawn protection with visual feedback.

Friendly fire option.

Switch team in game (optional).

Push to talk or auto voice detection.

AAA Graphic

High performance.

Build-In Editor Documentation with automated actions.

Full C# clean code

And more not listed here...

Optional Add-ons (sold separately):

-Account System, register, login, ban, store player data,etc...

-Mobile Controller.

-Battle Pass.

-Third-person view.

-Multiplayer vehicles: Cars, Tanks, and soon Helicopters.

-Shop System: to sell in-game items like weapons, skins, etc...

-Level System.

-Case Opening system, A.K.A Lootboxes.

-Clan System.

-Kill Streaks: UAV, Air Stike, and Helicopter support.

-Localization: with 7 languages pre-setup (English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Italian, and Portuguese)

-Mini Map.

-Class Customization: To allow the player customize their weapon loadouts.

-Weapon Customization: To allow customize weapons attachments and skins.

-Kill Streak Announcer.

-Player Selector: To allow change the character in-game.

-Unity IAP and Paypal integration for the Shop System.

- 3 Weapon Packs for a total of +40 weapons.

-Compass Bar.

-Game Modes: Cover Point, Demolition, Kill Confirmed, Elimination, and Gun Race.

-Aim Assist.

-Daily Rewards.

-Game News: game-related news in a slideshow panel updated without needing to update the game itself.

-Vourcher Codes: Create voucher codes to redeem in-game for coins, weapons, skins, etc...

-Advance Anti Cheat Integration.

-Emblems and Calling Cards.

And probably many more when you are reading this!

MFPS Mobile

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
144.9 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 31, 2024
Original Unity version
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