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Ninja Hero is a complete multiplatform 2D game with 1200 levels

This template is ready for release. It is optimized for mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile) standalone (Windows PC and Mac OSX), web player and webGL.

How to play?
Just click or tap at any screen position to jump the player, don't touch the black tiles on the circle and destroy all the white tiles.
You can also play the game on consoles.

Clean, simple and easy to understand commented C# code
Easy to understand, perfect to learn.

This pack includes:

✪ Level manager.
✪ Recycled objects: Spawn pool system (quick and easy object pooling script. This poolManager is made to be as simple to use and setup as making a new game object).
✪ Intro menu and in game UI system (using the new Unity UI) include and usable in other games.
✪ Sounds (FX and music) are free to use
✪ Easy level generator to generate infinite level numbers.
✪ Completely mobile, desktop and other touch devices ready with our Touch and Mouse Input script using event delegates.
✪ Animated icons and menu, and animated level transitions.
✪ Level creator engine to create infinite number of circular worlds.
✪ Handles all the hard work : spawners, events, object pools, game status, camera controllers, etc...
✪ Engine a highly customizable, optimized and easy to use solution.
✪ Background gradient shaders to switch the colors smoothly and randomly.

This pack is ready to use and compatible with:

✪ Leaderboard (iOS Game Center and Android Google Play Game Service): this game is compatible with Very Simple Leaderboard. Get it here: Very Simple Leaderboard, and import it to your project and you will ready to use leaderboard in a minute!
✪ Social sharing: Today we know many apps and games which provide general sharing of screenshots, of messages, scores, promotional images and much more. Very Simple Share do it for you. Get it here: Very Simple Share.
✪ GIF sharing with Very Simple Gif
: this game is compatible Very Simple Gif
.Get it here: Very Simple Gif
import it to your project and you will ready to record your screen and share GIF from this record !
✪ Rating System with a bad reviews protection guarantee? Try Very Simple Rate Us. Get it here: Very Simple Rate Us.
✪ ADS (banner, static full screen interstitial, video ads, rewarded video) with Very Simple Ads: this game is compatible with Very Simple Ads. Get it here: Very Simple Ads, import it to your project and you will ready to monetize your game in a minute!

(Work with Dotween Free and Pro. Dotween is free and available on the Asset Store)

(All features work in Unity and Unity Pro - demo scenes included!)

Ninja Hero

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라이선스: Single Entity
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