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Eyes Of Horror - this is template to help you create a horror game for mobile devices easily! The asset contains a ready-made game template with many functions!!


- Player controller (Walk, Run, Crouch);
- Player body model with animations;
- Enemy eyes - the ability to see through the eyes of the enemy!;
- Items Pickup;
- Items Random Spawn System;
- Functional Doors and Drawers;
- Keys system (open locked doors);
- Enemy AI (support for multiple enemies);
- Mobile control;
- CCTV Cameras System;
- Drag & Drop Inventory;
- Points of interest for the enemy;
- Reaction of objects to the approach of the enemy (for example, shaking furniture);
- Pictures system: you need to collect a certain number of pictures to win. Each pictures gives different bonuses (negative or positive) For example, a picture can attract an enemy or give the player an endless run;
- Choice of game mode, choice of level and difficulty;
- Getting experience points after the end of the game (you can buy new maps or modes for points);
- High performance on mobile devices;

Includes documentation describing features and scripts!

This asset uses Font and some Sounds under Royalty-free license; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details!
If you find errors or bugs, please let me know! I will also answer all the questions that you may have!
Before making a build for mobile devices, please read the documentation!
Watch video tutorials on my channel, videos will be updated over time.

My Gmail: www.dakurlzik@gmail.com
My Youtube Chanel: Youtube

Eyes of Horror - Mobile Game Template

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222.7 MB
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최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 11월 6일
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