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Zombie Smasher Rush (Complete Game) is 2D Zombie Tapping Game. It is a great option for stress busting and also to test your reflexes. A hoard of zombies is after normal people. Your job is to tap and smash as many of them as possible before they disappear across the screen. Be careful of the normal people though, smashing them will only lead to your game being over and making the job of zombies easy. It is a great app to pass your free time as well as have fun while doing so. Tapping is not the only option you have to kill the zombies, there are also fun and exciting boosters and turrets to help you in this mission. However, you have to use them wisely so that you do not run out of them when you need them the most.


– Complete game with source code

– Supports Multiple Platforms Fully optimized for Mobile, Web and Desktop

– Add More Levels 55 Story Mode Levels available. You can edit them easily through editor and also add more.

– Eye catching Graphics, animations and sounds

– 3 Different Play Modes and Boosters and Turrets There are 3 modes to play; Story Mode, Survival and Time Rush. 3 different and exciting boosters are available that you can buy with in-game currency

– Get Free Rewards Unity Ads Integrated. Player have to watch video to get reward in the form of Brains which is an in-game currency.

– Unity IAP Integrated for all supported platforms

– Easy to customize Editor Support to modify game levels, boosters, achievements.

–Daily Spin Wheel Reward System You can get a daily reward by spinning a Lottery Wheel kind of Spin Wheel. The awards range from Brains (In-game currency) to Boosters.

– In-Game Achievement System You can easily add more achievements or just edit the currently available achievements from the editor easily.

– Many Different Skins (Available Soon - Separately)

– Custom Reskin Service available

There are three modes in the game. First is simple story mode where you just play through many levels. Second is survival where you play as long as you don't run out of your health. Third one is time trial where you play for a specific duration of time. The time duration can increase if you collect Time Clock collectible that zombies can sometimes drop. Both Survival Mode and Time Trial have high score system. You can play both modes again and again and try to achieve high score. Achievements are great way to know how well you are doing and keep you interested in the game longer. There are many exciting achievements that you can attempt to unlock by playing the game.

Demo Apk

*Uses Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin for Google Banner and Interstitial Ads.

Download Link For The Plugin

**Important: All sprites of characters used in this game are for promotional purposes only. Hence, not included in the Package.

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Zombie Smasher Rush (Complete Game)

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2019년 7월 8일
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