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Implementing audio in your game can be very tiresome. Well, that´s a thing of the past with Easy Audio Controller.
With this tool you can easily and precisely control how do you want your audio to play.
Just put all of the audios you want into the Easy Audio Controller´s containers, choose the play values, and you are all set.
-Do you want a loop for your fire camp, but it doesn´t sound flawless? Solved!
-Do you want a machine gun that goes "pew pew" at exactly .2 seconds? Done!
-Do you want your pause menu to muffle some sounds but not others? Done and done!
- You may want to reload a gun. Just put the sounds in the order you want and the container will play them in sequence.
And so much more sound magic.
Demo scene.
With this tool you can easily and precisely control how do you want your audio to play.
Just put all of the audios you want into the Easy Audio Controller´s containers, choose the play values, and you are all set.
-Do you want a loop for your fire camp, but it doesn´t sound flawless? Solved!
-Do you want a machine gun that goes "pew pew" at exactly .2 seconds? Done!
-Do you want your pause menu to muffle some sounds but not others? Done and done!
- You may want to reload a gun. Just put the sounds in the order you want and the container will play them in sequence.
And so much more sound magic.
Demo scene.
License agreement
Standard Unity Asset Store EULALicense type
File size
5.3 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Aug 26, 2020
Original Unity version
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