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Create WebAR experiences & virtual wearables anchored on player hands using this plugin. Supports 6DOF tracking of 21 hand keypoints for multiple hands. Fast & accurate. Supports all major browsers.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

- Post-Processing and Camera HDR is now supported. This is possible by enabling VideoPlane in your ARCamera.


Important: This HandTracker plugin is not yet inter-operable with other WebAR plugins. But we look to support combined AR experiences in the future.

In-editor testing is not supported, you'll need to build your game for WebGL to run the experience, or use our editor debugging tools.

Why WebAR?

AR for the web is best suited for small and highly shareable experiences.

Easy-access: Just click a link or scan a QR code to launch your experience. No download required.

No hosting fees

Unlike other expensive WebAR solutions which requires monthly, per-view, or per-app-id subscriptions. Save hundreds of dollars per month on AR hosting platforms


This plugin will allow developers to host their own WebAR experiences like any other Unity WebGL build. Upload to your own domain or website! The entire tech-stack is yours.

Hand Tracking with 21 hand keypoints

Fast and precise tracking using Mediapipe. Detect handedness (Left/Right) of multiple hands. Anchor gameobject wearables in any of these keypoints.

Multiple hand tracking lets you track up to 4 hands.

Experimental hand-mesh deformation is included which is useful for masking your accessories such as rings and watches.

Hand animator allows you to animate each finger based on a customisable threshold. Useful for animating fantasy robot arms, and gauntlets.

Experimental hand-gestures allows you to detect your custom gestures such as rock-paper-scissors, thumbs-up, pointing, etc. (This feature is experimental only)

Easy Setup

Many samples to choose start with. Set up your AR scene only takes a few minutes

Supports major browsers for desktop and mobile. Tested and works on Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox across a wide range of devices. Tested and works on built-in browsers in messaging apps such as WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Viber.

Disclaimers: Performance (FPS) is mainly determined by [1] user device's processing capability and [2] scene/game complexity.

Third-Party: Asset is using OpenCV and Mediapipe under Apache 2.0 License; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details



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Technical details

Imagine CV hand tracker (Source code not included)

Imagine WebAR Editor

- Setup your AR scene in less than 5 minutes (See Demo Tutorial)

Hand Pose Tracking

- Anchor 3D models on user's hands, palm, fingers, and wrist.

Tracking of 21 Hand Keypoints

- Anchor 3D models on user's palm, fingers and wrists.

Hand mesh deformation (For masking)

- Useful as an occluder for masking your 3D models

Hand Animator

- Animate your hand models by detecting if fingers are held "open" or "close"

Experimental - Hand gesture detection

- Create and detect custom hand gestures such as "Rock", "Paper", "Scissors". Experimental Feature only.

Front/Back camera support

- Easily switch between front and back camera using our built-in camera switching functionality

Screenshot Capture (Save/Share)

- Capture screenshots directly using this plugin. Users can tap/hold to save directly to their phone gallery or share to social media

Universal Render Pipeline

- Supports URP including the following features: Post-Processing, Camera HDR

Imagine WebAR - Hand Tracker

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File size
47.9 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jan 23, 2025
Original Unity version
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