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For your serious game, quiz, survey, AutoQuizzer is the ideal plugin to perform your quizz effectively.


AutoQuizzer is a tool for generating questionnaires quickly and easily.
For this it has an ergonomic interface to set your quiz.
Limitation of the response time or not
Type of correction (correction after each question, correction at the end of the questionnaire, no correction)
Button to add and delete questions
Choice of a single answer or not by question
Possibility to put an image to each question
Number of possible answers for each question
possibility to put an audio file for each correction to serve as an explanation
Button to add or delete an answer
Import CSV files (template included in the package)

After the correction, a success rate is calculated based on the correct answers, a value (configurable) defined if the quiz is successful or not.

All the quiz data is stored in a scriptable object so that you can access it at any time (for example to perform a more precise analysis of the results)

The quiz window automatically adapts to resize and also fits for phone / tablet formats so ios / android compatible.

The quiz generation is done via prefab so it is very easy to adapt the quiz with your own graphical interface (button, background, display of the correction, ..)

Full documentation in pdf format available in English and French.

If you encounter a problem, do not hesitate to contact me!


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3.2 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 1월 14일
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