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Huge Texture allows you to import and use textures larger than 8192x8192px.

How it works:

When importing a texture, Huge Texture splits the texture into pages and saves it as a Texture Array.

Texture Array is combined on the shader side, which does not create extra draw calls and has almost no effect on performance.


• The maximum size of the texture: PNG and JPEG up to 16384x16384px, RAW up to 2GB (0.715 gigapixels, 26624x26624px for square textures without transparency);

• Built-in Render Pipeline, Universal Render Pipeline, High Definition Render Pipeline, Custom Render Pipeline;

• Compressed and uncompressed formats;

• Does not produce extra draw calls. You will have as many draw calls as you would with a regular texture;

• Supports mip-maps and normal maps;

• API for working with huge textures, as with regular Texture2D;

• Integration with Mesh to Terrain and Real World Terrain;

• Built-in update system.


• Not all platforms support Texture Arrays.

The list of supported platforms is here:


• The field must accept Texture (not Texture2D), and the component must accept custom material or shader.

For example, Huge Texture can be used in Mesh Renderer, Raw Image, etc.


Worried about the quality of the asset or are not sure that it is suitable for your project?!

After the purchase you have two weeks to test.

If the asset is not suitable for your project, has any problems or you simply do not like it, contact us and we will make a refund.

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Huge Texture

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