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Map numbers or vectors from one number space into another, use curves to change the output and cycle data with ease

Do you need to convert input data like the value of a slider to move an object in 3d space?

Do you need to calculate the rotation of the hands of a clock from a counter?

Rangemapper makes it easy to convert floats, vector2 or vector3 from one space of numbers into another.

Multiple custom RangeMapper components can be used to create a library of RangeMappers in your scene.
Reuse them whenever you need them and call them by name through a manager component with a single call.

Link to documentation PDF.
Link to Playmaker manual PDF.
Link to NodeCanvas manual PDF.

You can map positions to rotations, or map the mouse position to a GameObects position, or map slider values to a dial.
Modify the output data by curves which adds a convenient way to implement slow-in and slow out or other animatoon effects .
Includes demo scenes.

RangeMapper comes with Nodes for Hutong Playmaker and Paradoxnotion NodeCanvas visual programming environment. Playmaker and Nodecanvas demoscenes included.

Email me at support@wuenschonline.de if you have questions or input.

Range Mapper with support for Playmaker and Nodecanvas

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