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Save Game Pro is a complete, powerful, and feature-rich save game solution for Unity (Game Engine) that lets you save everything everywhere.

We recommend new users to use Bayat - Save System instead, cause Save Game Pro will be in maintenance mode which means it will only receive bug fixes and patches, so according to this you can start your new project with the new system or migrate your existing game data to the new system as well.

As a note, Save Game Pro won't be deprecated, it will just receive patches and bug fixes, no new features.


Save Game Pro is a complete, powerful, and feature-rich save game solution for Unity (Game Engine) that lets you save everything such as Components, Data Types, GameObjects including Custom Data Types everywhere including Web & Cloud, Local Storage, PlayerPrefs, Database.

Save Game Pro has an Elegant and Complete API for controlling saved data, for example, by using the API you can check if data exists or you can Retrieve the saved files list and show them to the user.

Works well with Unity 2017.x and higher and also you can make it work with older Unity versions just ignore the warning before importing the package.

Tested on the below Unity versions:

- 2018.2, 2018.1, 2017.4, 2017.3, 2017.2, 2017.1, 5.6

But it works well with older and newer versions too, so just contact us if you had any issues with importing the package.

✔️ Resources ✔️

☀️ Documentation

☀️ Support and News

☀️ Forum Thread

☀️ Roadmap

✔️ Features ✔️

☀️ Elegant API

☀️ +200 Supported Types

☀️ Full Examples

☀️ General Settings

☀️ PlayMaker Integration

☀️ Cross-Platform

☀️ Web & Cloud

☀️ Xbox Connected Storage Integration

☀️ Firebase Integration

☀️ PlayFab Integration

☀️ PHP MySQL Integration

☀️ PHP MongoDB Integration

☀️ Node.js MySQL Integration

☀️ Node.js MongoDB Integration

☀️ Custom Types (Type Creator)

☀️ Custom Type Serialization

☀️ JSON and Binary Serialization

☀️ AES Encryption

☀️ +200 Supported Types: Save Game Pro supports more than +200 Types built-in and you can add your own extra types manually or by using Type Creator.

*️ Almost All Components, such as BoxCollider, Rigidbody, MeshRenderer, Camera, Transform.

*️ GameObject, the Whole GameObject will be saved, that means all Components including All Childs.

DISCLAIMER, The GameObject saving and loading feature is under heavy development for including support to save complex objects and hierarchies, so until then, we don't recommend you to use GameObject saving and loading for saving complex objects, only simple objects. Also, it is a better practice to use data structures in all situations.

*️ Transform with Hierarchy, which means the transforms are saved by their root parent and they will be loaded like that.

*️ Primitives, such as Integer, String, Boolean, …

*️ Collections, Almost all collections supported, such as Dictionary, List, LinkedList, Multi-Dimensional Arrays (there is no limitation), Stack, Queue, HashSet, …

*️ Data Types, Almost all Data Types such as Vector3, Vector2, Vector4, Mesh, …

☀️ Full Examples: Complete set of Examples included helping you get started easier and faster. Also, each integration comes with its own examples.

*️ Cloud Saving

*️ Custom Path Saving

*️ Listing Saved Files

*️ Saving Collections

*️ Saving Custom Data

*️ Saving Game Object

*️ Saving Runtime Generated Objects

*️ Saving Simple Data

*️ Saving Slots

*️ Saving Texture2D

*️ Saving Transform

☀️ General Settings: Configure, Modify and Apply General operations on Save Game Pro right inside a panel and Install/Uninstall integrations easily by simple clicks.

☀️ PlayMaker Integration: Save Game Pro integrates with PlayMaker fully and completely by adding Save Game Pro API methods as Actions to PlayMaker. Also, each integration includes PlayMaker Actions as well.

☀️ Cross Platform: Save Game Pro supports almost all platforms that Unity supports, we have tested the Save Game Pro examples in:

*️ Standalone (Windows, Mac, Linux)

*️ Android (and it should work well on iOS)

*️ Samsung TV

But it should work as expected on All Unity Platforms.

☀️ Web & Cloud: Save Game Pro integrates as well with your Cloud environments such as PHP and Node.js and supports the most popular Database Engines, such as MySQL and MongoDB, Also, Save Game Pro integrates with Firebase and PlayFab as well to let you save your game data and sync it across devices.

*️ Firebase Integration

*️ PlayFab Integration

*️ PHP MySQL Integration

*️ PHP MongoDB Integration

*️ Node.js MySQL Integration

*️ Node.js MongoDB Integration

☀️ Custom Types (Type Creator): Save Game Pro supports Custom Types, which means you can add serialization of Types that aren’t supported by Save Game Pro, So you can create these Custom Types easily and automatically using Type Creator. Type Creator provides an easy, fast, and helpful interface for Creating and Browsing types, Also, Type Creator includes Search inputs to help you browse all types by searching for the desired Type.

☀️ AES Encryption: Save Game Pro uses AES encryption to make your saved data secure and stop cheaters to cheat the data, so you can adjust different settings of this encryption algorithm to make it safe for your game, such as changing Encryption password, salt, vector, and hash algorithm.

✂️ What you are waiting for?

Go and save your game data using Save Game Pro.

Made with ❤️ by Bayat Games

Technical details

☀️ Elegant API

☀️ +200 Supported Types

☀️ Full Examples

☀️ General Settings

☀️ PlayMaker Integration

☀️ Cross-Platform

☀️ Web & Cloud

☀️ Xbox Connected Storage Integration

☀️ Firebase Integration

☀️ PlayFab Integration

☀️ PHP MySQL Integration

☀️ PHP MongoDB Integration

☀️ Node.js MySQL Integration

☀️ Node.js MongoDB Integration

☀️ Custom Types (Type Creator)

☀️ Custom Type Serialization

☀️ JSON and Binary Serialization

☀️ AES Encryption

Save Game Pro - Gold Update

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