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GuardingPearSoftwares Serialization is specially designed for your demands on Unity3D.

Designed in a way to be:

- Easy to use and precise:

Serialize only what you need!

- Very fast:

Up to 5 times faster than ProtoBuf-Net!

- Small space:

At least 3 times smaller than Json!

- Security:

Easy and fast encrypt and decrypt able.

- Compress:

Used space is still too much? Activate auto compression!

- Extendable:

Create easily custom serialization components to serialize/deserialize the most complex classes.

- Obfuscate able:

Serialization and Obfuscation? Always a problem. But not anymore with GuardingPearSoftwares Serialization.

Is this the right product for you?

If you want to store data: Yes!

If you want to share data over the network: Yes. Especially for multiplayer games!

If you want to create complex save systems: Yes. Creating an RTS game save system? No problem!

If you want a one click software to save whole scenes or gameobjects: No. Then you should use a software like: Easy Save from Moodkie

So this asset gives you a powerfull tool to serialize and deserialize fast and space saving complex objects.

To give you a fast start, three well documented demos are within the package, containing all important informations and examples.

Used software for the comparison in the image:

- ProtoBuf-Net

- GuardingPearSoftwares Serialization with activated encryption and compression

- Newtonsoft Json

- Unity / dotNet XML Serialization

If you have any question, just do not be afraid to ask!

Supports from Unity 5 up to the latest 2022

Supported Platforms: Standalone, Android, IOS, UWP, Consoles (Xbox One, PS4, Switch)

Supported BuildTypes: Mono and IL2CPP



Online Documentation and Tutorials



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2019년 12월 12일
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