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Let users spawn their own 3d models in your game

With SimpleOBJ you can turn Wavefront .OBJ files into working 3D models in your game at runtime.

- import Wavefront .OBJ models
- import big meshes with over 64K vertices
- imports submeshes
- imports materials
- can run in background thread

SimpleOBJ is an easy way to import OBJ models. It imports vertices, normals, uv map and triangles. (polygons are automatically converted to triangles). It also supports multiple meshes and sub meshes. If you provide a .MTL material file this can be imported as well.

When the mesh is bigger than Unity's limit of 64K vertices, it still gets imported and is automatically split into 2 or more parts.

Simply download an OBJ file into a string;
pass the string to the import function;
and receive a GameObject in return.

Like so:
myGameObject = ObjImporter.Import(objString);

All source code and multiple examples are included and written in C#. There are no DLL's or hidden stuff.

View the online webplayer demo (also included in the package) here
The documentation can be viewed on our website.
The forum support thread can be found here.

Note: Does not support skinned meshes, imports only the most commonly used MTL properties

Version 1.4:
Support for relative indices

Version 1.3:
Support for right handed coordinate systems

Version 1.2:
Support for large meshes improved
Support for Unity 5

Version 1.1:
Support for large meshes
Import .MTL files
Apply textures
Import in background thread

Simple .OBJ

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
파일 크기
1.6 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 12월 17일
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