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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋
XML is a handy format for communication between your game and a webserver.
Handy as it may be, it is still a lot of work to convert XML data into usable objects in your game. SimpleXML deals with all this headache for you.
- import XML
- export XML
- uses Hashtables and ArrayLists
- easily retrieve single nodes
Imports any XML string into Unity at runtime. The results are formatted as a hierarchy of plain Hashtables and ArrayLists. And it doesn't throw exceptions the very second your XML isn't 100% according to standards either. Missing double quotes and missing closing tags will be forgiven when posssible.
No fancy stuff, no nonsense, just an Importer and a few handy extensions to the existing C# Hashtable and ArrayList classes to easily retrieve information from the data hierarchy.
Import an XML string:
myHashtable = SimpleXmlImporter.Import(jsonString);
Export an XML string:
string xmlString = myHashtable.XmlString();
Query the hierarchy
Hashtable bookInfo = myHashtable.GetNodeWithProperty("Author", "George Orwell");
All source code is included and written in C#. There are no DLL's or hidden stuff.
Like all other Orbcreation packages, it has online documentation.
Version 2.0:
Rewritten importer to make it 2x faster and more tolerant for XML format errors
Version 1.03:
Added handy functions to access Hashtable and ArrayList members
Added string conversion functions
Added simple example of procedural gameobject creation based on xml file
Handy as it may be, it is still a lot of work to convert XML data into usable objects in your game. SimpleXML deals with all this headache for you.
- import XML
- export XML
- uses Hashtables and ArrayLists
- easily retrieve single nodes
Imports any XML string into Unity at runtime. The results are formatted as a hierarchy of plain Hashtables and ArrayLists. And it doesn't throw exceptions the very second your XML isn't 100% according to standards either. Missing double quotes and missing closing tags will be forgiven when posssible.
No fancy stuff, no nonsense, just an Importer and a few handy extensions to the existing C# Hashtable and ArrayList classes to easily retrieve information from the data hierarchy.
Import an XML string:
myHashtable = SimpleXmlImporter.Import(jsonString);
Export an XML string:
string xmlString = myHashtable.XmlString();
Query the hierarchy
Hashtable bookInfo = myHashtable.GetNodeWithProperty("Author", "George Orwell");
All source code is included and written in C#. There are no DLL's or hidden stuff.
Like all other Orbcreation packages, it has online documentation.
Version 2.0:
Rewritten importer to make it 2x faster and more tolerant for XML format errors
Version 1.03:
Added handy functions to access Hashtable and ArrayList members
Added string conversion functions
Added simple example of procedural gameobject creation based on xml file
SimpleXML importer
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