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Easy AR helps you to build awesome Augmented Reality apps quickly and easily without any coding. Easy AR handles everything from object placement and gesture controls to automatic lighting, etc..
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information


  • Universal Render Pipeline Compatible
  • Recommended version in Unity 2021.3.4f1 or above
  • AR Foundation package 4.1.10 or above
  • ARCore XR Plugin 4.1.10 or above
  • ARKit XR Plugin 4.1.10 or above

Easy AR helps you to build awesome Augmented Reality apps quickly and easily without any coding. Easy AR handles everything from object placement and gesture controls to automatic lighting. And it's compatible for both Android and iOS. With Easy AR you don't have to go through configuring AR Foundation to get the best look and feel. You just have to add your 3D prefabs and build. You can also go deeper and customize the scripts as well.


  1. Object vertical auto spawning and controls (Ex: Clock, Painting, etc..)
  2. Object horizontal auto spawning and controls (Ex: Chair, Table, etc..)
  3. Multiple object spawning and controls
  4. AR Configurator
  5. AR Measurement
  6. AR Floor Tiling
  7. AR Face Filters
  8. AR Image Tracking
  9. AR Portal
  10. AR Meshing (IOS)
  11. Automatic dynamic lighting and reflections
  12. AR Occlusion feature
  13. Tools to bake contact shadows for your objects
  14. No coding needed

Documentation can be found here


Demo Scenes

  • Vertical Placement : The objects that are placed in vertical space such as clock, wall paintings can be experienced here. For the demo we are using a clock to place on the wall.
  • Horizontal Placement : The objects that are placed in horizontal space such as chair, sofa, statue can be experienced here. For the demo demo we are using a chair to place on the floor.
  • Multiple Object Placement : Multiple object placement uses both horizontal placement & vertical placement simultaneously. From this demonstration users can place virtual objects on desired space that you have.
  • AR Measurement : AR measurement allows users to measure length along horizontal or vertical space. In each measurement, it shows a measured value of the line which is generated based on the placed points.
  • AR Configurator : AR configurator allows users to configure AR object properties such as color in run-time. Given sample high back chair model seat color can be changed in run-time.
  • AR Tilling : AR Tilling facilitates users to mark the floor area boundary & apply desired tile pattern & also users can customize tiles by changing the tilling, rotation & offset values.
  • AR Face Filters : Easy AR face filters allow you to add multiple augmented faces to your app. This demo gives you 3 different face masks which include face paint and face mesh examples to switch easily though button list and add as you want. Easy AR documentation included guided steps on how to create your face mask with face paint or face mesh.
  • AR Image Tracking : Using Easy AR Image Tracking it’s easy to set up an image tracking demo for your desired image target. By importing  and setting up target images, 3D objects to the project and guided you how to build your own Image tracking sample.
  • AR Portal : AR portal shows another fantasy world where users can go inside it and experience. The use case of this demo is used for AR entertainment.
  • AR Meshing : AR meshing gives you AR gaming experience which colliding ball with real world environment. This demo compatible with IOS(ARKit) with Lidar sensor.

Universal Render Pipeline (URP) Supported

Elevate your visuals with new Easy AR Universal Render Pipeline (URP) supported, delivering stunning graphics, optimized performance, and scalability across devices—from high-end PCs to mobile platforms.

Let's play AR Meshing Game with new Easy AR!!!

We are very happy to announce that AR Meshing demos is included in a new update of Easy AR!

Try Easy AR Pack Now!

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Easy AR (URP): Make Awesome AR Apps Without Coding

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Latest release date
Jan 29, 2025
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