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This package helps you in getting Daily reward system integration in your game. The simple drag and drop lets you add daily reward. Here you can add many different batches of reward in your game. You can show rewards for as many days as you want. There is batch or set of rewards, the user will be rewarded from the same batch and when the batch finishes, next batch will be loaded with more custom rewards. There is status of previously acquired rewards. The message box informs user about reward claimable, missed or already taken for the day.

This asset includes following features.

1.Complete source code.

2.Editor support to configure your daily rewarad system

3.Simple and easy to understand script to get you started

4.Add as many different set of rewards as you want

5.Add different price and sprites for each day’s reward

6.Beautiful animation and customizations

7.Drag and drop prefab in your game.

8.24/7 hours Support from author

Help and support is always available from a very friendly Developer.

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GB Daily Surprise Reward System

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1.6 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 8월 30일
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