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Simple Sign-In Bundle provides sign-in with Google, Apple, Facebook, X, Telegram, Microsoft, TikTok. User are authenticated in a web-browser using OAuth 2.0 protocol. My asset is cross-platform and supports Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and WebGL apps made with Unity.

Authentication may be a headache, especially for beginners, especially on different platforms. You know what I'm talking about if you've ever played with GPGS, for example. My asset is an extremely simple solution with about 200 lines of code only. Lightweight, tiny and clean, with no massive plugins and 3rd party libs! I also provide exceptional support for my assets which is confirmed by many 5 star reviews.

Assets included
Simple Sign-In with Google
Simple Sign-In with Apple
Simple Sign-In with Facebook
Simple Sign-In with X (Twitter)
Simple Sign-In with Telegram
Simple Sign-In with Microsoft
Simple Sign-In with TikTok

● Cross-platform user auth for cross-platform games and apps
● No plugins, not 3rd party libs, no dependencies
● No impact to build size
● Get access tokens for integration with other services provided by your sign-in platform
● More security for client-server apps (get access tokens on a client, get all user data on a server to avoid tampering)
● ID tokens / JSON Web Tokens (JWT) validation (please refer to wiki for supported platforms)
● SFSafariViewController is used on iOS (required by App Store review)
● Deep linking for Windows (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN)

Setup steps
Please visit our GitHub for setup instructions.

Generic workflow (for platforms that support deep linking)
● Your app navigates users to Authorization Endpoint using a default web browser
● Users perform sign-in to their account
● Authorization Endpoint redirects users to your app (using deep linking when possible) and provides an authorization code in URI parameters
● The app is activated and obtains an authorization code
● The app exchanges the code for an access token
● The app requests user data with the access token (ID, name, email and other data according access scope defined)

Loopback flow for Editor and Windows (optional)
● Authorization Endpoint redirects users to http://localhost:PORT/
● The app listens to localhost using HttpListener

Middlware flow for WebGL
● Redirect to Authorization Middleware is used to temporary save an auth code
● The app obtains the code from Authorization Middleware with a POST request

Known issues
Please refer to the corresponding section for your sign-in platform.

GitHub - Wiki
GitHub - FAQ & Troubleshooting
GitHub - Bugs & requests
Discord - Questions, live chat with developers

It would be super awesome if you rate ★★★★★ our asset and leave your feedback! Your reviews inspire us for creating and improving our assets. Thanks and good luck with your projects!

Simple Sign-In Bundle (for Google, Apple, Facebook and other platforms)

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Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
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easy to use
It accelerated the progress of my game. Pretty friendly to the newbies.
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