Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
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The #1 free open source game networking library for Unity 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 6000.
Used in production by major hits like Population: ONE and many more.
Originally based on UNET: battle tested since 2014 for 9 years and counting!
Mirror is stable, modular & easy to use for all types of games, even small MMORPGs.
The Server & Client are ONE project in order to achieve maximum productivity.
Simply use NetworkBehaviour instead of MonoBehaviour, with:
▣ [Server] / [Client] tags for server-only / client-only code
▣ [Command] for Client->Server function calls
▣ [ClientRpc] / [TargetRpc] for Server->Client function calls
▣ [SyncVar] / SyncList to automatically sync variables from Server->Client.
Making multiplayer games this way is fun & easy!
Mirror comes with a wide variety of features to support all game genres.
Many of our features quickly became the norm across all Unity netcodes!
▣ Transports: UDP, TCP, WebGL, Steam, etc.
▣ Interest Management
▣ Sync Direction
▣ Latency Simulation
▣ Batching
▣ Rpcs & SyncVars
▣ Allocation Free
▣ Transform & Physics Sync
▣ Child Components
▣ IL Post Processing
▣ Two Click Hosting
▣ Snapshot Interpolation
▣ Lag Compensation
▣ Prediction
▣ Two Click Hosting
Getting Started
Get Unity 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023 LTS, download Mirror, open one of the examples & press Play!
Check out our Documentation to learn how it all works.
Mirror is free & open source software funded by Donations. If you love it or need priority support, please consider supporting Mirror on GitHub :)
Build the Metaverse, with Mirror Networking!
This asset uses Mirror under MIT License; kcp under MIT License; Mono.Cecil under MIT License; Telepathy under MIT License. See Third-Party Notice.txt file in package for details.